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Riley's P.O. V

my eyes flutter open and the first thing i see is a ceiling.

i look around and see that im in a living room on a couch.

not my living room and couch.

fear pangs me and makes me unable to move. i try to think of the events that happened before i was pulled under a darkness.

i can only remember a few things.

me being in a hospital room.

someone saying the name "dan" and that they are 6' 3".

and some minor details such as the colors of the hospital room and the color of the car i was carried to.

i move my arm to prop myself up but i am immediately brought to pain.

i look down and see a huge gauze tapped to my arm.

"dan she is awake." i look up and see a guy with straight black hair and wide blue eyes that stare into mine from across the room.

"where am I? what happened? what time is it?" panic and curiosity fills my thoughts as a very tall guy with brown hair and brown eyes walk into the room.

he comes and sit on the opposite side of the couch that i am currently laying on.

"okay im going to explain this really quickly and briefly. so basically we were both at Starbucks and you were behind me in line and when i turned around, me being the clumsy person i am, i tripped on my own foot and i spilled the drinks on you and fell on you and so i took you to the hospital and they put you on painkillers because you have a second degree burn"

he stopped to take a deep breathe.

"and a fractured ankle that will take 6 weeks to heal and when you woke up you were a bit loopy and you said some stuff that im pretty sure you werent aware of saying and when you were released from the hospital i asked you were you lived and you said you couldnt remember and so i asked you do you want to go to my flat and you said yeah and fell back asleep so i carried you back inside here and laid you on the couch while you were asleep and so here you are now."

he takes a few deep breathes as his face turns red, from what i am assuming is embarrassment, and says "and by the way, its 10:00 at night."

"your name is Dan right?" i ask wanting to confirm his name.

"yeah and your name is Riley correct?"

i nod. "thank you for taking me to the hospital. um, what things did i say to you when i was on the painkillers?"

"um well things like your name is riley, that im tall, and that you think im cute, and just rambled on about random things." he chuckles.

i put my head in my hands to cover up my embarrassment and my red face. i cant believe i called this stranger cute.

'well you werent lying Riley.' my inner thoughts start to talk but i immediately start to push them away because i didnt come to london for romance.

"im terribly sorry." i mumble as i take my hands away from my face.

"do you want some tea? and by the way im phil." the tall stranger with straight black hair and blue eyes holds out his left hand.

"yes please and im riley." i say as i shake his hand. when he leaves i turn my attention towards dan.

"since you have an american accent im assuming youre from america. what made you decide you wanted to come to england?" he asks in attempt to make a conversation.

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