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Hoseok's POV

Shit! I'm late!  I quickly threw on my clothes that laid "prepared" from the day before, then ran downstairs. 

"Oh Hoseokie! I helped Mom with breakfast today and worked extra hard on yours!" My older sister cheered.

"Sorry! But I'm late! I have to go! Bye I love you all!" I ran through the front door and into the freezing outdoors.


I was sprinting all the way to school. Hoping that I would make it on time.


 I was out of breath, yet I kept going. I barged into class, causing all eyes to shoot towards me. "Mr. Jung Hoseok, you're late."

 "As if that wasn't obvious..." Crap. I said that out loud. 

"Just take a seat.'' 

Everyone in class  laughed, except for the boy in the front row corner who just sat quietly. It looked as if he were staring at the blank board, but his hands were going over a book with blank paper, it looks blank anyway. Weird, I thought to myself as I took a seat in the back.

"As I was saying...This is a special class the school has decided to have for the students that are interested in or do some type of art. The school is a bit tight on budget,however, so they had to combine both performing arts and visual arts in one big class. This will also be a great opportunity for all of you to experience new types of art. This whole year will be quite simple...I hope...You all turned in your slips and wrote what you do or would like to do, and I have chosen your partners for the whole year. You will be paired with someone whose interest or ability might be very different from yours and you both must work together. Now, I will call out your and your partner's name and assign you your seats. Please stand and go to the back of the class."

 We all did as we were told. The boy with the blank book cautiously and calmly stood up. 

"Mr. Park, would you like some assistance?" Mr. Han offered.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you!'' the boy said as he made it to the back with the rest for the class.

There was quite a big amount of people in this class. People with laptops and a drawing pad were probably animators. Some had their sketch book or painting canvases. I noticed a few dancers that I've seen before at the underground dance battles. There was many people with all sorts of talents, and some who looked very confused on why they were even there.

"Park Jimin and Jung Hoseok, please sit in the middle row corner." I jumped when I heard my name.


The class once again laughed, Mr. Han sighed,"I said, please sit in the middle row corner next to Mr. Park."

I quickly went to my seat to avoid irritating him anymore. I looked at my 'partner'. It was the boy with the book, he was moving his hands over the pages again. This time I noticed there were small dots poking in and out of the book and he was using his fingers to...feel them? 

My thoughts were once again interrupted by Mr. Han. 

"Okay, now that you are all seated, I will announce the project for this year. You will be combining your art form with your partner's and create something amazing. Usually I wouldn't give you so much time for a project, but it can be difficult, so I am  going to give you the whole year. First, I want you to introduce yourself to your partner and tell them one interesting fact about yourself."

Almost immediately, everyone began talking. I turned to the boy, he shut his book and put it on his lap before turning to me, smiling. My stomach felt weird. Oh right... I didn't eat....damn.  I cleared my throat.

  ''Looks like I'll be your partner, huh? Well I'm Jung Hoseok. I don't have an interesting fact about myself, but people say I'm a pretty good dancer. You?''

 "Hello Hoseok sunbae, my name is Park Jimin and I love painting. A fact about me is that I am blind."



HI! This is my first time actually trying to write a story heh. I'll try my best to update chapter two soon. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed!!!


Blue °jihope° [EDITING]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang