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//Later That Night//
{At The Party}
Brooke's POV:

The boys and I all get out of the car and walk up to the house.

Except for Sam.

I guess he didn't wanna come.

Right when we open the door, the smell is quite...


"Come with me," Matt said and took my hand.

He dragged me through the big crowd of sweaty people and had me sit down on a couch.

"I'm gonna go get us something to drink. Stay here," he told me and walked away.

I look around and immediately spot a couple practically shoving their tongues down each other's throat.

I think I gagged a little.

Matt comes back with two drinks in his hand.

He hands me one and sits down next to me.

I take a drink of mine and lay back.

Matt starts to talk to me but I realize I can't understand anything he's saying.

It's like a big slur and my vision is going fuzzy every couple of seconds.

"I'll be right back," Matt says and walks off again.


Why am I here?

This is not me.

The dress.

All the makeup.

This is not me at all.

I need to go.

I start to get up and head for the door.

But something stops me in my path...


I kinda ran into it.

Looking up, there is a boy in front of me.


He's not supposed to be here.

"Follow me babe," he smirks and takes my hand, leading me up the stairs into a room.

He shuts the door and immediately started kissing me.

"Sam," I whisper-yell trying to push him off me.

But I have no strength.

Wtf is happening?

He begins to take off my dress.

"Sam stop."

"Let me take control babe"

It's like a switch in my mind flipped.

I looked at him right in his eyes, before I started to kiss him hard.

He took off his clothes and led me over to the bed.

We got into the bed and I crawled on top of him.

He held my waist as I grinded on him.

Next thing you know, he's leaving his mark on my neck.

The switch flips back.


I get up and hurry to find my dress.

"What the fuck!" I yell.

"What's wrong darling?" he asks me with worriness on his face.

"Darling my ass, I'm Brooke to you," I snapped and put my clothes on.

"Where are you going?" he gets up to stop me.

"Away. I need to go," I tell him and slam the door in his face.

I'm still a little dizzy, but I try to find the door.

I kept on running into sweaty people and thought I heard someone calling my name but kept on going.

Once I see the door, I head towards it, got out of there and ran down the street.

Where am I even going?

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