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 I marched up to Merle with the walker arm in my hand. Not caring for the stares I got from the other towns folk.

 "Merle! What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled. I flung the walker arm at him and he backed up. The arm landed with a thump. I kicked it aside and got in Merle's face.

 "Now quiet down, girlie. What'chu going on about?" He bended down to my height and licked his lips. I stared back disgusted.

 "You know what the hell you did! Who are they? You said you'd stop capturing people for him!" Merle's face quickly turned from playful to anger. He yanked my arm down the alley we stood next to.

 "Now who the hell do you think you are? I told you not to mention anything about this!" He backed me up to brick wall. "If anyone heard you and tells him, I'll throw you to the biters too! I won't hesitate," Merle raised his pointer finger at me. "you got that?" I smirked.

 "I ain't scared of ya', Merle!" I got in his face this time. "If you think for one second I'll just let you fall through with his plans. You have another thing coming." With that I turned and left him there. I could feel his eyes watching me and I hurried.


 I entered the building and saw Milton preparing the food. Perfect timing. I smiled to myself.

 "Hi Milton. Is that for the prisoners?" I asked as sweetly as I could.

 "Why yes it is," he passed one plate toward. Well I guess this will be easier than I thought. "will you give this to the Asian boy?" I nodded my head, took the plate, and went to start my plan.

  I slowly entered the room afraid and ready for a sneak attack. But to my surprise the stranger was sat on the wall blankly staring at the floor. I walked towards him and his eyes landed on me.

 "What do you want now?" His voice came out weak. I sat down probably too close for his comfort.

 "I want to help you" He eyed me carefully.

 "Why should I trust you? You're Merle's girlfriend for god's sake!" I closed my eyes as if that would somehow help me not unleash my anger on this boy.

 "Don't ever call me that." I said as I clenched my teeth. The thought of Merle and I, just no. I shook the thoughts from my mind and focused on the plan ahead. I had to get them out of here. Before they get stuck here in this hell like me. I've been getting this plan ready ever since they dragged Andrea and Michonne here. Of course I couldn't pull through with it, because Michonne left and Andrea was too blind to see what's going on.

 "Who are you then? What do you want from us?" The stranger begged. I sighed. Might as well get him to trust me.

 "I'm Aria and I want to help you. I get it if you don't trust me, but you have no choice."


Author's Note: Hi guys! It's the author of TNTLY. If you haven't read TNTLY, check it out on my profile! I wasn't really planning on writng another story, but watching the marathon inspired this new idea. I don't know if it'll be better than TNTLY, hell I don't even know if I'll continue this story, but anyways comment, vote. Thanks for reading ! ~ Amanda

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