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 "Well, Well, Well, What do we have here?" Martinez asked. Fear rushed through me right there. If the Governor finds out about this. We're all dead. Glenn, Maggie, and I. Martinez started to circle around me not taking his eyes off me. Once Martinez had moved I noticed Glenn and Maggie on their knees with their mouths duct taped. Glenn looking pissed and Maggie just scared out of her mind. I looked to them with a apologteic look. 

 "The Governor is going to get a kick out of this." Martinez smirked, stopping infront of me. Blocking my view of Glenn and Maggie. The last thing I saw was a heavy pipe Martinez was holding come at me.

 "Why the hell is she tied up with those idiots?" I heard Merle's voice yell. I tried to move, but my feet and hands were tied.

 "No use in trying." Glenn said, making me realize him and Maggie were sitting there tied up as well. The duct tape on their mouth must have been removed for interrogation while I was passed out. Stuff crashed from outside the room we were locked up in, making me jump. Then an angry Merle came in here. I was pretty sure he was angry at me for betraying and trying to leave him.

 "Y'all need to get of here." Mere whispered. I guess I was wrong.

 "What are you talking about?" I asked scared for the answer.

 He couldn't actually want us to leave. Glenn and Maggie knew where Daryl was. Merle and I spent about nine months covering eachothers asses. I thought I meant alot to him. No matter what I said I knew if I had succeded in leaving last night I would've missed Merle terribly. I'd never forgive myself if something happened to Merle here after I was gone.

 "I'm going to get y'all out of this hell hole."


Author's Note: Hey guys! So I'm pretty pissed now. I had this all written up on here. Then when I was going to copy and paste on my document thing. So I could proof read it. I accidently hit "cut." At that time I didn't know it copied it at the same time. Super pissed now! I had to re-write everything! Aso personally I liked the first thing I wrote up, but whatever. Comment what you thought and vote! ~ Amanda

[Please be noted this story is prewritten.]

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