Olivia Townley

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Olivia Townley is the new girl at Cathy Jean High School. She's very pretty and she is also very smart. Olivia likes to stay inside and do homework, read and be quiet. She likes to be an outsider, but when she becomes friends with a girl named Keira Johnson, it's not being inside anymore it's about going out every weekend and partying.

Keira Johnson is a nice friendly person. She is pretty, and I guess you can call her smart, but unlike Olivia Keira likes to party get down. Keira and Olivia automatically become really good friends the best of friends if you would like to call it. They met the day Olivia showed up at Cathy Jean High School. They had first,third and sixth period together. But who would have ever thought that Olivia and Keira would have three classes with Logan Williams. Olivia on the other hand who does has Logan Williams in another one if her classes, second period. This is one of her boringest classes but knowing that Logan Williams is in that class she doesn't like to be herself, she likes to be funny and outgoing, but at the same time pretty.

He might seem like a bad boy but he's also very smart. Teachers know it and Olivia but he likes to hide it. He aces every test and turns in homework on time, but for some reason he wants to be a bad boy. The reason why Logan is probably the school's bad boys because what happens at home but who knows nobody has ever dated Logan Williams long enough to know his real life.

Cathy Jean High School is a preparatory School. The girls uniforms are pants or skirts a white dress shirt and maybe sometimes a blazer. While the boys are jeans or shorts and a white dress shirt.

The night before the first day of Junior year Olivia just can't seem to sleep. Usually on regular school days she washes all her makeup off, takes a shower, put on a big shirt and some shorts, removes any leftover makeup, put on her moisturizer and goes to sleep. But for some reason she just cannot sleep tonight.

She's been to a preparatory school before but never one like Cathy Jean High School. All of things you've heard about Cathy Jean High School is what she never wanted to be a part of. Most preparatory schools are supposed to be rich stuck up kids with problems of their own, but what Olivia's heard about them there nothing like a preparatory school. The school not only has problems but has problems outside of school. During school hours a lot of the teenagers get PDA. PDA is known for getting caught for holding, making out or get caught kissing. And as for outside of school parties not only get out of hand but on some of the craziest night like after graduation or prom cops come.

Olivia claims that she heard someone went to jail because they threw an underage drinking party, but who knows after all high school and junior high and whatever grade you're in now is full of rumors, secrets and lies. Olivia has heard a lot of rumors and lied about a lot of people but one rumor,lie she can't see to keep her mind off. She then realizes that she needs to sleep so she put on some music a soft song like perfect two by Auburn comes on and just as as I'm finish it she starts to slowly drift off to sleep....... but right when her eyes are closing trampoline comes on by Kalin and Myles. The song trampoline make a living just want to get up and start

So for the next 30 minutes she ends up dancing/twerking. And once she's tired enough that's what's her head hit the pillow she's out. Since she originally goes to sleep at 10:30 but she stood up for the next 30 minutes dancing she only got 6 hours and 35 minutes of sleeping.

The first day of school arrived and exactly at 6:35 her alarm went off. And it's not like any other alarm the longer she waits to get up the long the louder it get. For the first minute or so it plays her favorite song All I Eant Is You by Cameron Dallas and Daniel sky, then after a couple of minutes allowed beeping noise starts and like I said before the longer she waits the louder the beeping and the song gets. Olivia is a deep sleeper so once it gets loud she has a snooze button that she can just press, but the snooze button doesn't wait one second it automatically starts to sound like an ambulance car plus the beeping and by the time all that is done and she still isn't awake her mother has to come in and wake her up. Since today is the first day of school at Cathy Jean High School on the second verse of the song Olivia is already up.

What Olivia is up and out of her bed she heads over to her bathroom and starts her routine first by washing her face with her face wash and brushing her teeth. She then brushes her hair and goes and get her clothes on when she's done with her outfit she goes into the bathroom and styles her hair. She puts on her white converse and head downstairs to eat breakfast. Since she was so excited about the first day of school she had an hour to save so she decided to toast waffles and while that was toasting she brought down her makeup and started on her concealer and foundation. She then moved on to bronzer and a little bit of eyeshadow and of course mascara but before she put on any of those stuff she put on her favorite baby lips. Once she finished she started to eat her waffles and pack her lunch. She dropped it lunch and her backpack and walked out of the front door. She doesn't normally drive but since today is the first day of school at a new school she wants to impress her schoolmates so she decides to drive her white Ferrari.

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