Chapter 13

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“Love and Lies”  

2013 Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Chapter 13

"Hey," Trina squealed, when something or rather someone tugged hard on her hair.  She lifted her face and frowned.  "What'd you do that for?" 

Trevor glanced down at her and grinned, showing off a perfect set of bright white teeth.  "Cause I can and," he said, adjusting her more comfortably on his lap so he could wrap his arms around her soft curves, molding her more completely to his frame, "because I can't seem to keep my hands off this delectable little body."

"You are such a flirt," she rolled her eyes and teased.

He winked at her.  "You like my flirty side."

She wasn't going to comment on that one.  The man was right.  She liked everything about him, including his flirty side but his ego was big enough as it was.  She wasn't about to give it another good stroking.

So she did what she did best.  She ignored him and turned her attention back to the movie playing on the TV.

Since Trina's mother was off playing Bingo tonight, the group opted for a movie night.  The guys wanted Fast and the Furious, the women wanted to watch The Notebook.  In true Costa style, they ended up thumb wrestling to settle it. 

Trina only had one good arm so Joe had to play for the women.  Lev represented the guys. Taking into consideration that until today Joe had never thumb wrestled in her life, she ended up giving him a run for his money.  At one point, she even almost had him but in the end, Lev won out and now they were all lazing around the living room watching Fast and the Furious.

Trina wasn't going to complain.  With leads like Vin Diesel and Paul Walker, the movie was full of eye candy so she figures that she and Joe really would have won the bet with either move.  The guys didn't have to know that though.

Leaning up just enough, she saw that Joe and her brother sprawled out in the middle of the floor.  Joe's head was resting on Lev's shoulder.  Lev had managed to wrap his arm around her, holding her against him and they were both sleeping.

She grinned and shook her head.

"What is it?" Trevor asked.

"Nothing," she replied softly and leaned back comfortably into his warm embrace.

"What are you thinking then, little bit?  I mean," he nodded towards the pair in the floor, "about them."

"I'm not sure."  She wasn't going to lie. It was kind of odd seeing Joe all cuddled up to a man.  Especially since the man just so happened to be her brother.  Joe wasn't the type to get all mushy.  She was more of a user when it came to men.  She used them for what she wanted then threw them away when she was done.  She's always said that she didn't like the drama that came along with relationships.

"I think your brother feels the same way." He whispered softly at her ear.  "When it comes to your friend, I don't think he quite knows what hit him."

Trina chuckled, covering her mouth so she wouldn't wake them up. "I knew they'd be perfect together."

"You did not think that," he argued.

She nudged him with her elbow in his ribs.  "I did.  I knew they'd be perfect for each other."

He turned the full force of those stormy grey eyes on her.  She could literally feel the heat from his intense stare touching her skin.

"You know, you are so damn cute," he growled.  "Cute, sexy… and you are all mine."

"Oh boy.  Here we go," she murmured.  "I'm not a possession.  I'm a woman.  Remember that," she snapped and knowing that ignoring him would irritate the crap out of him, she turned her attention back to the movie. 

Love and Lies- Book 1 (SYTYCW 2013) CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora