Part 3

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My last and final class had come to an end when I got the note that had travelled all the way from the back of the classroom to my first row place. I sat in the middle of the first row. No, it's not that I wanted to learn anything. I just wanted it to look like I wanted to learn anything duh! The note was pink. Her signature move. It smelled like her perfume which smelled nice like peaches and sweet clouds, but it was pretty scary because it was definitely hers. I opened the note and of course it said: "We would make the best couple of the whole school! Are you in?" For a closeted gay boy (I wasn't planning on being closeted much longer) I was pretty popular with the ladies. Probably because I actually put work in my appearance which was something the straight guys just wouldn't care to do. Those sweaty fast food eating and bad fashioned assheads. Of course I love them, why did you bother to ask? It's more like a love hate relationship. The dumb meat heads can be funny but most of the time, they're not. But the note. I obviously said no because of reasons, but the girl who gave me the note wasn't very easy going. It was Veronica Allere (it's French I don't like it) she is rich a bitch and an unstoppable whore. Attention whore I mean by that not the other thing you dirty minded freak. Although there is a rumour that she hooked up with ten guys this last summer break, but whatever that was like half a year ago. I got out of class as fast as possible. I didn't want to talk to Veronica because she will get what she wants and if she doesn't she'll try again and again until she's got the thing she wanted. I felt a hand on my shoulder and smelled the sweet peach perfume. "I'll meet you at the library at 4." She said with a very demanding voice, she turned around a huge wave of sweet peach smell filled my nose. No, it filled my whole body. "But I have to be home at 4:30!" I tried to tell her but she wouldn't hear it because everything she wanted to hear she heard and if someone tried to get in her way she'd swap them away like a little mosquito.

"Pick up. Pick up. Pick uuupp!" I said to myself quietly, hoping that my bff would pick up. I seriously would be nothing without her. She is my best friend and I couldn't live without her. "Where are you! You should've met me here like literally half an hour ago! What took you so long? You know it's an hour ride from here, do you? There aren't many gay guys in our village and he was actually kind of cute so don't ruin your chances with him!" Tessa was rambling again, if she rambles she won't stop ever! "It was supposed to be a double date! Not a dat and a plus one!" "Gurl, I'm sorry okay! Veronica wants to talk to me in the library at 4! I don't want to screw up the promise she made and that I didn't even agree on! Okay why am I doing this?" I was hesitating because Veronica was the queen bitch of the school and I didn't like her! At all! "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO! This is your chance to unmask the popes, like if someone's gay or if Veronica pays all her friends." I stopped her immediately. "She wants me to be her boyfriend." "Wait what? That's hilarious! I get that a loser girl would like you (you know Caroline) and a decoration for sure! But a pope?! Not ever would anyone have guessed that! Well I guess you have to go now because it's 4 o' clock and don't disappoint me because I'm replanning the date and that won't be for nothing!"

I opened the door of the dusty library. It was deadly quiet in there. It was huge with a path in the middle on the right was a register for who borrows the books but the seat behind the register was empty, there was no one there. As you walked on 7 foot high bookcases were placed on the left and right side of the path if you walked to the very end of the path you'd come to an sit facility where you can read books and "enjoy" the sights of the whole school through a huge window. A few feet before me in the middle of the path stood Veronica with two cups of coffee in her hand looking dead serious at me. When I came closer she pointed the way I needed to go and went there before I was near her. She went right for me but left for her and after you passed a few bookcases you'd come to a series of doors stretching out to the entrance and the window. Behind the doors there were little chambers with tables and chairs for people to read in silence, but this room wouldn't be used to read in silence. Veronica opened the door and waited for me to come in. She had already put the cups of take away coffee on the table and locked the door so no one could come in. After that, she blinded the windows so no one could see us. She sat down and straightened her schoolgirl skirt and fixed up her hair a little. After a moment of silence she spoke. "I'm onto you Evan." I looked up. "Tell me." She stood up and started walking back and forth. "Well you know. I could understand that you didn't want to go out with Caroline, a loser, since you're quite a hotty.  And then came Ashley poor poor Ashley, she wanted to go out with you so badly and when you said no she was devastated. I mean she was pretty hot, for a second class girl. Then I asked you out. It was a test. I mean like I'm the prettiest girl on this school by far! And yet, you said no to me. Then I figured it out! You're gay!" She looked at me as if she had won the lottery and I sat there like she just told me that libraries are for books. "And, anything else you want to say?" She turned around to me again. "Yes, you know Brad? The hunky muscle bound football hunk in our class? Well I expect him to be gay too, but I can't be sure. And I said I set up a date for him but he could chose which guy or girl he wanted to chose and I also "accidentally" put you on the list. And guess what he chose you, of course I have to pretend I don't know but I gave him your "number" and he texted you immediately after I gave him the card. Every number on that list was fake, I had a few brand new phones with brand new sim cards in my drawer and signed those numbers up. So I guess this'll be your new phone," and she took out a brand new samsung galaxy s6 edge plus. "I had a picture taken of you by one of my little minions, you know like last week when you were working out and you were dripping with sweat and took of your shirt to show your incredibly ripped physique? Yeah my minion took that photo then and Brad seemed to like that very much. So if you want to go out on a date with the hottest most muscular and most ripped guy of our school. Give me a call. I put my number in your new phones, I also put the numbers of your new friends in the phone. Evan, your life is about to get much more interesting." Saying that she unlocked the door and walked away and I was left stunned not knowing what to do. So I grabbed a book and got lost in it for the next hour and a half.

Not knowing what to do I grabbed my bike, it was already dark out and my parents must've been very worried that I wasn't coming home but I didn't care at all. I'd be fine. Tomorrow they'd find out I'd survived on my own and that I didn't need their help. I just really needed to figure some things out. Brad sure is very hot and he must be very sweet but the other guy from the date seemed really cool too but I didn't know which guy to chose so I cycled over to my grandma's house and knocked on the door. My grandpa who looked very weirdly at me saying. "What are you doing here?" I looked him in the eyes and said. "Can I stay here for the night and would you mind to let my parents know I'm here? My phone died." I didn't lie, my phone did die but my "new" phone was completely charged. Yet I didn't want to use that phone, but before I went to sleep I put in the number of Tessa, which I knew by heart. What should I do?

1562 words. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR READING! I HAVE 107 READS! Thanks to the people who read my book every update and giving me compliments, I'm talking to you FionaBl0ssom, I'll keep updating this book because this is by far my favourite book to write. Also xtessa322 thanks for your support in general otherwise I wouldn't have started publishing this book! I might be starting another book: Back From Wonderland, but people must like the idea otherwise I won't start. Please vote and share this with your friends! I always follow back!
Love me!

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