Troye's POV

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"helllllooo" said Marcus Butler to welcome him. I was at Vidcon and meeting Youtubers I've loved since I was a kid. "Ummm... Hi?" I reply. "Here are the top 10 things I hate about hotels. 1) Neighbors. They are either loud or creepy quiet. 2) Stairs. It seems as elevators never work and I'm always at the top floor. 3)...." This is so weird I thought as a walked away after hearing the top 10 things Marcus hates about hotels. Soon after getting away from Marcus, Grace Helbieg says hi. Well not really she said, "Today's Friday and you guys know what that means. Sexy Friday, sexy Friday, seeexxxxyyyy Friiidddaaayyy, sexy Friidayyy" I was getting freaked out but I had to admit it was interesting to meet all the YouTubers and quite funny. Maybe I'll make a video out of this. Time had slipped by and now it was evening and I was still being welcomed by YouTubers like they were talking to their cameras. Until I ran into Tyler Oakley. "Oh heeyyyy" I immediately noticed Tyler was a lot shorter than I expected but what I'll never admit was he was adorably hot. Well shit now I just sound like a fangirl. Tyler and I talk common grounds for a while and took a couple pathetic selfies. Eventually Tyler says he has business shit to attend to and pouts but he'll see me later. I pass a few hours getting food and talking to fans. I start looking for Tyler again because I'm started to die of boredom. He ofcourse is talking business shit with another person over a desk. "Come embrace!" Tyler says to me and I laugh under my breath. I walk around the desk and 'embrace' him. We kept talking like before and I learned a lot about Tyler. He likes tumblr (which I already knew since I stalk him constantly), it is his birthday today, and loves whisky drinks. I can tell by 9pm Tyler is tipsy from the drinks he has been downing. I decide this is the time to take advantage. "Tyler can you wink for the camera? It is for a YouTube video," I asked. "Sure" Tyler slurs. I set up my camera and it finally focuses. "Ok, go!" Tyler gives me a confused look and in the most drunken way possible says," Wait what I'm I doing?" I burst out laughing but Tyler doesn't understand but since he is drunk smiles along. I leave him to get some more winks and finally go home to eat again and scroll through my beloved tumblr.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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