Chapter Four - Gutted

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 Author's Note:

This chapter is a bit rough, both in what happens and the writing, haha. Sorry.

Whether you like the story or not, please comment me some feedback. Any would be lovely and I'd love to know what I can do to become a better writer or specifically make this story better. Keep in mind while reading that I began writing this story in 2013. It has been written and rewritten numerous times and planned and replanned over the course of YEARS. It has also been stopped and started with months, even a year, between updates so there will be dips in quality over the course of it, if there is any quality to begin with lol. Thank you :)

    The next morning, Stiles woke up on his bed, his blankets tucked in on either side of him. He was still clothed, but his socks and shoes were lying on the floor beside the bed. He knew that Derek had come back later that night and taken him upstairs, and he couldn't stop himself from wishing that Derek had stayed and been sleeping beside Stiles when he woke up, like he used to. There was some part of him that didn't want to wake up to face the day, but he had to see his father and that was more overpowering than the desire to go back to sleep. Stiles looked around to see that his room was exactly the same as it was the day he left. He figured his father would have done something with it, like turned it into an office or something, but he didn't. No, it was exactly the same.

    Another pang of guilt.

    He stumbled around like a zombie, shedding his clothes and throwing them in the hamper before jumping in the shower. He almost didn't want to shower because this bathroom had so many memories between him and Derek. Memories of Derek standing before him with water rushing down his amazing body sat deep in Stiles' mind, and he couldn't shake them out. Making out in the shower was a great alternative to making out in the rain, though shampoo in the eyes became a hazard. Biting down his arousal, Stiles continued with the shower (yes. he only showered. that's all. he didn't touch himself. nope). He half expected to see Derek sitting on his bed, naked, waiting for him, but of course, he wasn't, and that hurt more than it should have.

    But where Derek was waiting was outside the house, in his car, parked in the driveway. Stiles stood there at the window, looking down at the car, still half naked. Quickly, he put on his clothes and hurried out to the driveway. As he approached, Derek rolled down his window but before he could speak, Stiles started to. "What the hell are you doing here? I don't want you here! Did you not get that last night? I said go away like a million times and yet here you are in your wolfey car and your-" Stiles spoke too fast and tripped over his words, like he usually does. What messed him up this time was Derek just staring up at him in amusement, biting back a smile. "What? Why are you staring at me like that?"

    "Get in," Derek ordered.


    "Just get in, Stiles. I'm taking you to see your father because Allison couldn't make it. Don't turn this into something it isn't."

    "Why didn't she send Scott?"

    Derek just stared at him. Stiles fought with himself in his mind, seriously debating punching his ex-boyfriend who was an Alpha werewolf and then going back inside and calling Allison to yell at her. But instead, he went over to the passenger side of the car and slid in, grumbling to himself as he did so. This drive was the most awkward drive Stiles had ever experienced. There was so much sexual tension that it was hard to breathe, and he knew Derek felt it too. There were too many urges between the both of them that Stiles wasn't sure even a brick wall could keep them apart. "I called Allison and asked her to let me take you," Derek admitted after ten minutes of silence.

    "I'm guessing it was you who brought me to my room last night. There's not a blanket fairy wandering around Beacon Hills, is there?"

    Derek swallowed, tightening his jaw. "No. That was me."

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