The Big, The Bad, and The... Idiot?

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Yello childrens, adults and aliens! I am Mrs. Super awesomesauce and I plan on giving you a laugh filled read with quirky encounters and strong story lines! At least that's what I plan on doing anyways...

So grab your popcorn and put on your hats folks, cause we're going for an adventure!



I look up at the puffy, balding man standing directly in front of me and shrug my shoulders. Meh, it's not like I haven't been expelled before. To be quite honest I have actually been expelled about three times in the past six months. 

Mr. McKallihan's face turns a bright purple colour and I can see a vain in his neck that is popping out just a little too far. 

I know that I just blew my chance with my Great Aunt Myrtle and her family but Corry, my system agent, should be able to find me some other long lost relative. I don't want to go into the system but if I must, than I must right?

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?" McKallihan shout's while he gets all up in my face. I grimace as his sweaty, pudgy face comes closer to mine and his pungent odor of B.O. and expired deodorant seems to waft closer to me as well. While sitting there with my game face on, I attempt to not cover my nose because of the smell.

Scoffing at his question, I turn my nose up and away, trying very hard not to show how much he reeks. 

 "I know your type Miss Wyatt, you think you rule the roost and can get away with whatever you want, but you can't!" He yells and I finally turn to glare at him. 

"Good to know that you 'know my type'." I tell him as I lift my arms up to make quotations with my fingers around 'know my type'. I glare at the man hard and if looks could kill, he would be dead several times over by now.

"Yes, my son is just like you. An ignorant, careless, big-headed..." He starts making a list of a whole bunch of insults. I immediately stand up and push the man backwards. 

"First off, you know absolutely NOTHING!" I shout at the disoriented, purple faced man in front of me. "So keep your large, disgusting nose out of my mother damned business. Second, you just called both your son and myself a bunch of rotten names, to which I am pretty sure the school board wont enjoy hearing about you calling students. And, last but not least..." I say and pause for dramatic effect. "You're a turd, and you smell like one too." I tell him before grabbing my book bag from on the floor beside me and walking straight out of his office. I ignore his loud shouts for me to 'get my ass back into his office', and just continue my leisurely stroll to my locker to clean it out, whistling as I go. 

People part for me as I pass, as if I was Moses and they were the red sea. Wait, it is Moses in the bible who parts the red sea, right? Oh well, whatever. 

Getting to my locker is fairly easy because of the parting of the crowd thing, so it isn't too much of a hassle for me to get there. Since I have only been here about two months I have barely anything in my locker, so I open it and quickly shove the things that I do need to bring home, into my bag and then I slam the locker closed. 

"Freedom!" I shout loudly, startling the other kids milling around the joint. Everyone looks at me as if something was seriously wrong in my head, or as if I had just murdered their puppy. 

Ignoring the strange looks I march my way out of the school and off the property, thinking about the call that has probably been made to my Great Aunt Myrtle since I left the office. I groan loudly as I think about Myrtle attempting to shuck me off to another poor soul who happens to be related to me. 

As I walk the two block trek home, these thoughts consume me. I think back to all the other relatives that I have lived with for the past six years. I have been to at least twenty-five different schools and thirteen different families of relatives. 

Getting home I open the front door slowly, only to find a fuming Myrtle standing right in front of me. 

Oh great. Lets just get this over with. 

The Big, The Bad, and The... Idiot? (On hold 'til further notice)Where stories live. Discover now