Chapter 1 - The hobbit's tale

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Hiya folks! I have been writing this for over a week now and I seem to have almost lost track already:( I am really horrible at time managment so don't get too peeved if I randomly dissapear for a month or so. 

But hey! I got this up in about two weeks so I deserve a clap on the shoulder for that one right?

Never mind, so anywho, I wanna ask you guys a question! Why does the rating PG-13 have 'Parents Strongly Cautioned' beside it? Is it to be taken as 'PARENTS! AVOID THIS AT ALL COSTS!' or taken as 'PARENTS! STALK WHAT YOUR KID IS READING ON WATTPAD!' ? 

And now I am confusing myself, better be on with the story then!


Slumping against the car door, I look out the window as we pull out of the driveway of my Great Aunt Myrtles house. 

I wasn't wrong when I said she would send me off. I just never expected it to be where I AM going. 

St Hyves Reformatory Institute. Or as it should be called, St Hyves School For the Insanos people who should not be mixed in with the rest of out 'perfect' society therefore we must send them away to be somewhere with other people who are just like them. But I prefer to think of it in a shorter form... The Fuck-up Institute!

Just like I had predicted, as soon as I got home from school that day, Myrtle had been waiting for me. 

"Get your ass in here!" She had screamed at me and I had complied quickly, not wanting to anger her further. I walk into the living room to see my System agent type thing, Corry, lounging on the sofa. This can't be good. "I cannot deal with an insolent child such as yourself! You have disrespected me, you have disrespected all the other families that have tried to deal with your unhealthy obsession for trouble, you have disrespected the schools and the communities and most of all you have disrespected yourself!" Myrtle shouted and I had rolled my eyes. I didn't reply though, because telling her that she was simply repeating things that I had already heard a dozen different times wasn't going to cool her temper one bit. 

"I know" I had stated boldly and I could practically see the smoke coming from Myrtle's ears. 

"I cannot deal with this anymore!" She shrieked with rage and she fumed as she paced the fuzzy rug thing that she had lying on her floor. Corry had looked at me worriedly as she assessed the situation. 

"Mrs. Donate, please..." Corry tried to quiet the situation but Myrtle was having none of it. 

"I will not have this girl in my house any longer. Get your shit and get out!" Myrtle had shrieked at me and I stepped forewords, angry. 

"So you think it's alright to treat a human being, A relative for that matter, like a bag of replaceable potato's?" I had asked her and I saw the look on her face. It was the same look that everyone who knew about my past gave me. Pity and Disgust. "fine then, Fuck you all. See if I care." I told her before going to pack my bag of stuff. 

That's what lead up to me being here. In Corry's car as she tells me about an old friend of my mother's who has offered me a spot at her school. 

"I think this will do you good Teagan. Maybe it will help you with that temper of yours." Corry tells me gently. I just huff out a big breath. She had to have planned this in advance, no one could have made plans within the twenty minutes it took me to pack my things, not even Corry. 

Corry chuckles lightly. "you know, you remind me of your mum when she was your age. Small but feisty." Corry tells me and flashes me a large grin. I glare at her, grinding my teeth together. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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