Michael Rosen's end

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My dad once came flying in my room,"Quick,get out! Get out of here! The plum king has escaped!". I got up,quickly dresses up and try and get out the door. They're locked. My dad locked the door while he was leaving. Oh that prick. I try to unlock the door *click* The door wont unlock... I go nuts with the key,Fiddle diddle riddle diddle,fiddle diddle riddle diddle for 3 hours im at it! So the plum king came in my room and said "...Plums!" and then i said "Keel over and die,you cunt!"...thats when i get into really big trouble (i used the joke again :P). The plum king takes the thick cooking oil and flings it at me! "Ah" i cried out and i melted. And theres my dad,on the other side of the door,smiling all over his big face. The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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