Unbreakable Bond

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Unbreakable Bond- Prolouge

Larissa just moved to Forks, Washington, because that's where her dad's job had the best chance. They couldn't afford a nice classy house, so the took what they could get. That ended up being an old cottage in the woods, were forest surronded them. 

Nobody had time in pay attention to two year old Larissa. Her once bright blond hair seemed to have darkened to match Forks aura. Her once bright ocean blue eyes seemed to have faded to match the dark rain that fell hourly. She was left alone, accidently ignored by her parents. As she had nothing better to do, she taught herself how to write, read, speak, and everything else.

On the first sunny day since she moved, Larissa wandered outside, into the forest she called her backyard. She covered herself with a red cloak. She liked the cloak because it had a hood and was long and hid her from the outside. She grabbed a wicker basket and filled it with some lunch and snacks, a journal, a compass, her special pen, and a lantern. She covered it with a cloth and headed out into the thick forest. 

She walked wherever, taking notes on what she liked and what she wanted to explore. As she was walking, she let her compass slip from the basket. 

Larissa didn't keep track of time, and soon night fell upon her. She was deep in the forest, and had no hope of finding her way back home. She was to surly freeze to death. 

Or so she thought. From behind a tree stepped a dark brown wolf, with bright shamrock green eyes. It came ever so quietly, ever so peacefully that Larissa didn't realize it's persence until it was right next to her. 

Larissa didn't feel afraid. She took from her basket a half eaten sandwhich and fed it to the wolf. Once the wolf was done, she laid down, and the wolf curled around her, giving her warmth.  Before Larissa fell asleep, she heard, no, she felt the name Lakota.

When she woke up, she was in her bed, still in her cloak, wicker basket by her side. She knew it could not have been a dream, so that  evening she wandered out again, and whispered the name she heard. 

The wolf appeared, and came closer until it was at Larissa's side. 

From then on, every day Larissa would come out and feed the wolf. She would talk with him, and give him affection. 

About a week after her first incounter, she smiled as she walked home. I've finally found a friend.

(So, don't be shy! Tell me what you think. 5 votes and 2 comments from different people for chapter one! -Kake)

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