Chapter 3.0

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I know this wasn't the best choice I have ever made but I went ahead and did it anyway. I emerged from my apartment and walked over to Elliot's door. I stood in front of it for a minute before I knocked firmly on his door, quietly hoping to myself that he wouldn't answer. The door rapidly swung open. He opened his mouth as if he was about to shout but once he saw me he closed his mouth and let out a sigh. I examined the dark bags under his eyes and his shaky hands, the way his eyes looked emotionless and he seemed very anxious.

"I know a druggie when I see one" were the first words I said to this stranger. I know that was rude of me but he truly does look like he needs help. I know he was going through withdrawals from some sort of drug. He stood there silently, clenching his jaw and running his fingers through his hair. After a while he looked up at me with his oddly hypnotizing blue eyes. He still didn't say anything and I was starting to feel anxious.

"I'm Skylar..I next door" I said quietly to break the awkward silence. I pointed over to my door that was right next to his.

"Elliot." He choked out nervously as he shoved his hands deep into his hoodie pockets. The dark circles under his eyes made him appear almost dead, his dark olive complexion looked almost white. "Is there anything you need?" He asked as he looked back into his apartment and then at me.

"You are going through withdrawals aren't you?" I said very cautiously. I looked up at him and he was staring at me with those wide eyes again. It honestly was the most uncomfortable thing I have ever felt, but was also somewhat comforting in an odd way. I sighed and looked into his eyes.

"What do you need?" I asked, knowing I would regret this question later. "I don't know if I have it but it's worth a shot." I said as I anxiously stood there. It was never a good idea to give a druggie what they want because they will just end up wanting more. But, when did I ever make smart choices? Ha, exactly. I never did, I mean, look at me.

"M-morphine." He mumbled.

"Really? I thought I was the only one that used that pointless drug." I whispered as I laughed a little to myself. He looked down at me and looked away nervously.

"Come on.." I said as I pushed open my door, waiting for him to follow me in. He hesitated for a moment but shuffled into my apartment, closing my door quietly and shoved his hands quickly back into his pockets as he stood in my doorway. I went into the bathroom and grabbed the pill bottle, I opened it up and grabbed the last morphine pill I had.

"This should get you through at least tonight and tomorrow..but I have no more to give you.." I said as I held out my hand that contained the pill.

" don't have to give me this." He spoke cautiously as he looked down at my hand, his eyes wide.

"You obviously need them so just take them." I said as I took my hand and slipped the pill into one of the pockets on his hoodie. "I'll be getting more in a week and I'm not addicted like you appear to be, this one pill is 15?milligrams."

"I'm not addicted." He said defensively.

"I know it's hard to admit it but I think you are.." I spoke softly. He sighed and bit on his bottom lip as he swallowed harshly.

He mumbled something I couldn't hear before opening my door and walking out silently, his hands still shoved deep in his pockets. I don't know what it was about this mysterious guy but I needed to know more.

I walked over to my computer swiftly and turned it on. I buried my face deep into my computer screen and started my obsessive research. All I found out was that his name was Elliot Alderson through his apartment number. He had no Facebook, no Twitter, no Instagram, no anything. He lived a quiet life like me. But I know there was still stuff out there I could try to find out. I tried everything. I tried to hack into his phone but I couldn't do anything. I had his cell phone number, his phone password, and even the system number and brand of his phone but everything was securely locked, not even a smart hacker like me could hack him. The only way that a hacker like me couldn't find something that I wanted was if the person I am hacking was a hacker as well. So that only meant one thing.

Elliot Alderson was a hacker.

Just like me.


Hey to whoever is reading this out there, is there anyone that actually really enjoys this story? If you do, don't be afraid to comment or private message me and tell me. I am new to this writing thing and I like to have opinions on my writing so I could get even better. Thanks to whoever actually reads this story. You are pretty rad <3

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