Chapter Six

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"Happy birthday, Randy," I tell him once we meet on the staircase, both making our way to breakfast the next morning.
He grins at me and picks me up. "Thanks, cutie. Did you get me a gift?"
I duck my head, blushing at the nickname. "I stayed up making you a cake."
Randy's jaw drops. "Really?"
"Yeah," I say. "But you can't eat it until tonight."
Randy scowls making me giggle. "Fine," he mumbles, putting me down. I go to follow him down the stairs when I'm pulled back. I turn and see Dean.
"Melanie, you-" Randy stops when he sees Dean and smirks.
"Um, you go ahead, Randy," I tell him.
Randy seems reluctant, but goes down the stairs anyways.
"Yeah, Dean?" I ask. I realized I haven't really talked to him that much since earlier Saturday morning when I caught him coming home from work.
He presses me against the wall. "Dean," I scold, but he puts a finger to my lips. "Dean, what do you want?"
"Nothing," he says simply. "I just wanted to tell my little sister to have a good day at school." He grabs my face and kisses my forehead. "I miss you already."
I try to push him away, but he won't budge. "Dean," I say more sternly. "Stop."
"You're right," Dean agrees. "We'll finish this after school."
"Wait, that's not what I-" But he's already walking down the stairs.
"What did Ambrose want?"
"I'm not even sure," I tell Seth as he approaches and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "I've been standing on this staircase for too long."
Seth laughs as he guides me downstairs. We break away, him in the dining room and me in the kitchen. I walk over to Alberto who's standing at the stove making plates and link my arm around his.
"Morning, Berto," I greet.
He grins. "I love it when you roll your R's when you say my name," he says. "You're pretty good at it."
"Thank you," I reply and realize that the dining room's pretty quiet.
I peek over my shoulder and see the guys staring at us. What is it about me that they always stare at? Shaking my head, I turn back to Alberto.
"Want me to serve them?" I ask.
"Could you?" Alberto says. "That'd be great."
I take a couple of plates and turn towards the dining room.
"So, what's on the agenda for today?" I ask as I take a seat in between John and Kevin who said good morning to me in a non-sarcastic way. We're really getting somewhere.
"Well, we always go out to eat when it's someone's birthday," John explains to me.
"Where are you planning on going this year?" I ask Randy.
"Versailles," Randy answers.
"Never heard of it."
"You've never heard of Versailles!" Seth exclaims.
"Well, I've never been to an actual restaurant period."
Everyone looks at me in shock. "Not even for your birthday?" Dean asks.
"Especially then, what, with my birthday being two days before Christmas and everything," I explain.
"Wow," John says. "Well, I guess this night isn't just special for Randy, then."
I laugh softly.

After school, I catch a ride with Tracy to a dress store, telling Seth I'll meet him with the guys at home.
"So, how's living with the guys?" Tracy asks as I'm trying on a dress at Maruchi. "Is Kevin still being The Grinch?"
"No," I answer. "He's actually being really nice. He said good morning to me today."
Tracy gasps. "The sweetheart!" she exclaims sarcastically making me laugh.
"All right, how about this one?" I ask walking out in a gray one shoulder dress with ruffles at the skirt.
Tracy examines me for a moment. "I like the color," she says. "But the design is a no."
"What? Why?"
"Ruffles, Mel? Really?"
I hang my head as Tracy looks through a rack closeby. "Try this."
In a few minutes, I walk back out in the strapless, black dress covered in lace. Though I would feel more comfortable if it stopped at my knees, I still like the mid-thigh length dress all the same.
"See, now that's the dress you wear for dinner tonight," Tracy says, nodding in approval. "All right, I think we're done here."

"You want me to go in to do your hair?" Tracy offers as we pull up in front of the house.
"Will you?" I ask gratefully.
We get out of the car and Tracy helps me push the gate open. "This is a legit mansion," Tracy states. I nod. "So, all ten of them are in there?"
"Only seven," I answer.
"What about the other three?"
"One's a professional wrestler so he's out on the road. One's filming a movie out in California and the other is taking classes at Georgia Tech."
Tracy laughs and I look at her in confusion. "What?"
"Wait, you're serious?" she asks. "I believe the college boy. But you have a professional wrestler and a movie star as brothers?"
"I didn't quite believe it either at first," I tell her as we walk up to the front door. I pull out my house key and put it in the doorknob before walking inside.
"Hey, Lanie," Seth greets.
"Hey, guys," I reply. "This is my friend Tracy."
Tracy curtsies making the guys chuckle. "Now if you don't mind," Tracy says. "I need to makeover your little sister for the dinner."
"It's just a birthday dinner," Randy says. "You don't have to get all dressed up for it."
"What?!" Tracy and I exclaim in unison.
"B-b-but why?" I ask. "Come on, guys, Randy only turns 23 once. Let's make it special and dress up."
The guys look at each other. "We don't-"
"Uh, guys, she wasn't asking," Tracy interrupts. "We're gonna be down here in 30 minutes. You guys better look as if you're going to a wedding." With that, Tracy takes my arm, and drags me and the dress upstairs.

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