Chapter 2

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"Oliver!" Once again, the ocean gulped Sara back down. Until she opened her eyes, waking up. Nightmares. She wasn't surprised she was having them considering everything that had happened over the past year; the Queen's Gambit sinking, practically being kept as a hostage on Ivo's ship for months, surviving on Lian Yu with Oliver and Slade, and now this.

The blonde had been in and out of consciousness for most of the two days since the assassins had found her on the island, and much to Nyssa's surprise, Sara had now woken up. She made a mental note of the name Oliver, to remind herself to get more information on him at a later and more appropriate time - for reasons involving the League, of course.

Sitting up, Sara observed her new surroundings cautiously. She couldn't even begin to apprehend how she was wherever the hell it was that she had woken up. She had fallen unconscious on an island in the North China Sea, so how was she in a building, a building that appeared to be some kind of ancient temple? How was her leg wound bandaged up? Was she still dreaming?

"I'd lay back down if I were you." Nyssa pushed. "You've lost a lot of blood, and if you don't want to end up fainting again, I'd do what I say. I'm bringing you some medicine to drink now," she gestured towards the smaller girl's ankle, "it'll help with the infection."

The assassin approached the bed that the blonde girl was perched on, the shemagh no longer covering her face. She held a cup containing a strange liquid substance in her palms - Sara glanced at this 'medicine', but did not move to lay back down. Rather, she batted her right arm up, knocking the cup straight out of Nyssa's hands and causing it to shatter on the ground.

Two of the men dressed in black robe suits, the ones that Sara had previously saw chasing her on the island, walked into the room as soon as the glass had shattered against the floor - both wielding a large sword in their possession. One of them asked, "is everything okay in here? Does the prisoner need to be retained?"

Nyssa shook her head, shooing them away until they had left the room. Eventually, she focused her attention back on Sara.

"Prisoner?" The blonde began, hiding her fear as best as she could. "Why would I drink that? I don't know you." Nyssa glanced to the ground where the spillage had taken place, she'd take care of that later - right now she had more important things to take care of, her eyes revolved back up to Sara; who continued. "And I definitely don't trust you."

"You aren't a prisoner here." Nyssa sighed. "Not to me, anyway."

"Oh, great." Sara rolled her eyes. "Where exactly is here?"

"You're in Nanda Parbat." The other girl creased her eyebrows, enthusing Nyssa to elaborate. "When you collapsed on the island I found you on, my men and I brought you here," but this was still not satisfying the younger girl. "This is my home, and the home of the League of Assassins."

"I'm not stupid." Sara claimed, "and I'm not believing any of this ninja crap, okay? Tell me the truth."

"I'm an assassin, not a... 'ninja', and I have already told you. I am Nyssa, daughter of Ra's Al Ghul. Heir to the demon." Nyssa didn't understand why the smaller female was suggesting that she had been lying.

Getting frustrated, Sara responded. "Yeah, right."

The assassin struggled to understand how this girl, who had seemed so tiny and so vulnerable whilst sleeping, could confuse her so much now.

Sara decided to believe what Nyssa was saying, no matter how crazy it seemed. If this place really was the League of Assassins, whatever that was, whether she was a prisoner or not, they had - Nyssa had - saved her from the hells of Lian Yu. Though she did not understand what she was doing there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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