Chapter 1. The lies you tell

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A/N I dont know the name of the guy on this picture. But he is exactly what I want to describe our beloved Darren.

Chapter 1. The lies you tell

"Kenneth..." He uttered the name of his beloved one under his breath as he watched him in misery.

The said guy just glanced at him in return while carrying his suitcase, showing that he was one of that important person that got respects as one of the youngest businessman in the whole world. "Whats wrong?" He asked coldly sending shiver through the silver beauty who just kept staring at him painfully.

"Where're you going? Are you going to meet her again?" The beauty finally became dare to ask his supposed-to- be-husband the questions that actually he had been holding on for the meantime.

"Whats wrong with meeting my little sister, Darren? She is now in her worst condition. As his brother I should be the one who will be there for her. Is that my fault if I go to meet her? Is that a sin?" Kenneth answered, raising his eyebrow in questioned. 'Step Sister...' Darren remarked inside his mind as he just stayed silent, he wished to say it out loud that he minded it. He wanted Kenneth to stay with him, because Darren knew... He knew exactly where Kenneth would stay, he knew exactly what Kenneth really wanted to.

"No... It's okay..." Darren forced a smile as he waved his hands to Kenneth, "Hope to see you again.." He muttered.

Kenneth just took a glance at him one more time before taking his leave, leaving his spouse at this quiet mansion that belongs to 'them'.

There were only a butler called Gray and a maid called Anne. Both of them were old, and they were a married couple. Even though they had no child, and always consider Darren as their child. Sometimes it was hard for them because they had always known that Darren was their master. However Darren had always treated them well. Even since Darren got married to Kenneth, they started to grow closer.

Darren just closed his eyes after he was sure Kenneth was out of his sight. The silver-haired beauty knew that Kenneth wouldn't go home tonight. He knew Kenneth would choose Jessica, his beloved step sister rather than him.

How long had Kenneth and Darren been married? It was almost for 3 years. 2 years had gone well and after that everything was just like a hell for Darren. Because Jessica had ruined everything. His happiness, his love... Even his marriage.

It was all started because of that... Darren remembered exactly what thing that had made them grow apart.

It was at the middle of night for vampires, when everyone was supposed to be sleeping. But, a phone in Braxton Mansion was ringing out loud, forcing Darren to be awake.

As he woke up from his bed towards the phone which was in their room, he glanced a little while at a sleeping figure next to him. His husband looked tired, and Darren understood it. He had always understood Kenneth well, and it brought Kenneth at ease whenever Kenneth with him.

Darren walked slowly to make sure his footsteps did not sound too loud to make Kenneth awake. He picked up the call lazily.


"Darren!" He heard his named was called from the other side, and Darren could wonder who the caller was. "What's wrong Jessica?" He asked, not very interested with this phone call. He just thought Jessica was playing on a prank. However he was surprised to hear Jessica was crying on the other side.

"What's wrong Jessica? Why are you crying? What happened?" He asked worriedly. Jessica just kept crying as if she was a lot in pain.

All of a sudden Darren had lost the phone from his hold, he looked at a brunet that looked so worried handling the phone call. "Jessica? It is me...Okay... Okay... Stop crying... I'll be there..." Kenneth responded.

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