Chapter 8 (Part 2) - Last Night

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A/N: Okay, I'm really sorry this chapter is so... All over the place? I might've maybe just been PMSing a little little bit and took it out on Storm :p Also, everybody, please tell me what you think of the story, what should happen next, new characters, who to kill (hehehehe), where to end it all etc. I love all of your comments and they inspire me to write more. Thanks so much to everybody <3 ^_^


"Come on, don't be a party pooper!" Andy whined at me.

"I'm not a party pooper! I just don't want to play 'Truth or Dare'," I crossed my arms defiantly.

"Fine, but we're still going to play," Raven's small voice squeaked from behind Andy.

"Fine by me," I held up my hands defensively at her, then continued to scale up the spider web that sat on the edge of the park.

Carys, Kaycee, Jinxx, Jake, Ash and CC sat in an incomplete circle on the grass, eyes following me as I walked away. Andy and Raven formed the circle and they began to play. The cold wind picked up, and I snuggled my legs against myself, wrapping my chubby arms around them and regretting not changing out of Ash's shirt when we got back from Luna Park. As soon as we left, we drove back to Raven's house to find her on the driveway, then we decided to bring her here for some small, social cheering-up.

I wanted to go home. Something wasn't right, I could feel it in my gut, a niggling sense, like something had happened. All of my energy was working towards ignoring it.

"DO IT ALREADY!" I heard CC's voice cry out from below.

I swivelled from where I was sitting to see everybody staring expectantly at Raven and Ash, who sat next to each other.

"Shut up Purdy and just do it! It's a dare!" Carys cut in.

Ash dropped his head in defeat, then turned towards Raven, who was biting her lip and looking away. Ash leaned towards her and kissed her, lightly, but didn't let go.

"That's not a real kiss!" Carys complained.

Ash squeezed his eyes shut and deepened the kiss between him and my best friend.

There it was. Half of me hoped I didn't feel anything, so that I could let Ash go, but the other half knew I would feel it, and now I could. My heart clenched itself tight and seemed to be suffocating me. My stomach flipped and I felt sick. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I really wish they didn't. This wasn't allowed to happen. I knew I'd have to let Ash go and watch him be devoured by every fan, and possibly never see him again, so I was really hoping it wouldn't hurt this bad, but my god, I think I'm literally going to throw up I feel so bad. My fingers were burning from how hard I was clenching the rope, and I could taste the metallic sweetness of blood on my tongue from wrenching my teeth into my lip. The blood pumping through my veins pulsated against my skin so roughly I thought they'd pop out at any moment. I felt a slight sweat break out on my forehead as I repressed every emotion welling through me so I wouldn't scream. Right now, I wish I could at least hate Ash, but I wouldn't let myself, it just made me realise how much I like him, and how much I'd really like to punch Raven right now. I could feel myself disliking Raven every second my eyes were trained on them.

After what seemed like an eternity of torture, but was more likely to be a few seconds, Ash pulled away, his breathing slightly hitched and Raven's face bright red. Her eyes lingered on his lips and she wore a tiny smile that I expect went unnoticed. My legs began to hurt at how hard I was clenching every muscle I could throughout my body, so I tried to calm myself down. I shut my eyes, but the first thing I saw was Raven and Ash in a warm, loving embrace. It wasn't my fault, but at this moment, I couldn't feel anything but inferior to Raven and her perfect bod, tiny, innocent frame and gorgeous features, and so angry at her I could probably rip her head off without remorse. I wanted to scream.

Ashley Purdy Love Story 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora