Chapter Eleven

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Jesse's POV

      Cries filled the room, it was in the middle of the night and it was my turn to get up and see what was wrong with Maddie. It’s been a month since we brought her home, we finally settled into a comfortable routine.

      I took the over most the night time feedings and changings. The first night Maddie was here and he had to get up to care for her, he had stayed up for most of the night. I didn’t find out until I caught him falling asleep throughout the day.

      He said he didn’t want to put her down because she looked too comfortable in his arms. I chuckled when I thought about the time I found him asleep while he was putting on his shoes. It was the third time he had stayed up to watch her sleep.

      If it wasn’t for my mom telling  me he had fallen asleep during one of his patients sessions. I wouldn’t have to take the night time duties, but I didn’t mind I didn’t need much sleep.

      “Aw sweetie what’s wrong?” I picked up Maddie up from her crib, she continued to cry as I checked to see if her diaper needed to be changed. “Ah I see you have a little surprise for daddy huh?”  I walked over to the changing table, as much as I wanted a boy. I'm really grateful for Maddie, I heard all the stories from James about the twin diaper changes. I rather like not being covered in pee.

      “Ok sweetie there you go, all better now?”  she was still fussy, which only meant she was hungry.  I walked to the kitchen with her in my arms. I placed her in the carrier  we kept in the kitchen and made her a bottle.

      I took to the living room and sat down on the couch, I watched as Maddie suckled on her bottle. I don’t know what it was, but watching a baby feed was very soothing. When she finished I placed her on my shoulder to burp her. I took her back to her room and laid her back down in her crib. I waited until she fell back to sleep, before I went back to bed.

      Adrian was still asleep when I finally crawled into bed. I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him closer to me. Adrian stirred, “everything ok?” He placed his hand over mine, I leaned in closer and kissed his neck.

      “Everything is good baby, go back to sleep.” He turned to face me, he leaned in closer and kissed me gently on the lip. I moved my hand behind his neck, my other hand moved to his hip. He rolled on top of me settling between my legs.

      “I rather do something else then sleep.” He kissed my neck moving down my chest, he nipped and sucked on my nipples. It was a long time since Adrian had taken control. He moved farther down leaving a trail of kisses. He griped the top of my sweats and pulled them down, letting his hot breath fanned against my groin.

      He slowly finished pulling them off, he ran his hand up my legs. He kissed the inside of my thigh as he locked his eyes with mine. He grabbed my member, he moved his hand up and down my shaft as he lick my tip. His hot moist mouth wrapped around my shaft, his tongue twisted around my shaft as his head moved up and down. “hmm fuck baby,” I moaned as I felt a tightness building in my stomach.

      “I gonna cum,” I moaned loudly as I bucked my hip as I released my seed. He swallowed and licked me clean. He came back up to ma and kissed me, my hand moved inside his boxer to his semi hard member.  He moaned against my neck as I stroked him.

      “Stop before you make me cum before I have a chance to be inside of you.” he growled as he bit my neck. I let go of his member and he leaned over to grabbed the bottle of lube we kept in the nightstand. He slipped off his boxers and tossed them aside.

      He poured some on his hand and coated him member, he then use the same hand to place some on my entrance. He pushed in one finger, pushing it in and out of me. I groaned, it has been a while since I was bottom. He placed another finger in me and started scissoring me, stretching me good.

      He leaned in closer, I felt his hard member brush against the inside of my thigh. “You ready Jay?” he asked as he kissed the base of my neck.

      “Go for it baby,” I moaned as his finger brushed against my sweet spot. He pulled out his fingers and griped my thighs as he slowly entered me. I hissed as he pushed in, it really has been a long time.

      He continued to push in until he was all the way in, he gave me a moment to adjust to him. I pushed against him, giving him the signal to move. His thrust started out slow as he grab my member and stroked it with the same speed of his thrust.

      It felt amazing and I loved it when topped me, I still think back to the first time. He didn’t think he was going to be and tried to get out of doing it, but after assuring him he would, it had been amazing.

       He held onto my hip as he increased his speed, I arched my back as he hit my sweet spot. He left me seeing stars as he kept hitting it. We moaned and groaned together as he thrust harder into me. I wrapped my legs around him bringing him closer.

      He pumped my member, I was close and so was he. He slammed into me as I release my seed on us. he thrust one more time as he moaned and released deep inside of me. he fell onto me as we returned to our normal breathing. He  pulled out of me and I whimpered a little at the loss of feeling full and having him so close to me.

       He cuddled next me, I pushed back his sweat slick hair. His skin a nice pink tint, I leaned in and kissed his lips. “We should clean up and shower.” He said, we were covered in sweat and cum but I didn’t want to get out of this bed.

      “I know but baby you drained me good. Too bad we can’t stay like this, remember the time we stayed in bed a whole?” he scrunched up his nose.

      “Oh god yes, we smelled terrible and we had to throw the sheets out.” I chuckled, “But now we are parents and we have a little one to take care of, so no more staying in bed all day. sneaking in time for sex when we can, lack of peace and quiet or time alone together.” He said as I played with his hair.

      “Would you trade Maddie to have that all back?” I asked, he sat up and looked at me.

      “Never,” he smiled as before he leaned in and kissed me.

      “Good I don’t think they do returns on babies and I’m pretty sure Jane and Holly would get mad at us.” He chuckled as he rested his head on my chest.

      “This is the life Jay, we might not live in a grand house nor have all the money in the world but we have each other and we have Maddie. We have everything we could ever need.”

      “You got that right, there isn’t another else I would want more than just you and Maddie.” I kissed the top of his head.

      “Me too Jay,” he yawned. It was clear we weren’t getting out of this bed anytime soon. I heard a light snoring coming from Adrian, I chuckled as I closed my eyes. cleaning up was just going to have to wait for the morning. I was to exhausted to move and I really wasn’t in the mood to wake Adrian. I took a deep breath before I welcomed sleep back.

*A/N I know it's short but I never gave y'all a sex scene with Jesse as bottom, so I hoped y'all enjoyed it and it might be the only one in this whole story as well.

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