Chapter 2: Talking VS. "Talking"

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*Chance's POV*

I laughed to myself careful not to make my people pay me attention. I finally saw her again, the unknown talent that could change the face of Atlanta music. I don't even think she realized how close I was, then again ole boy nearly knocked her over. I wanted to punch him in the throat but that's bad publicity and I'm not trying to ruin the career I just started. I got close enough to peep her IG name and I followed her. Now to wait a little and make my move when it's just right. Can't scare her off by looking thirsty.

"Hey Chano, come peep this."

"Yeah wassup?"

"We just got a pre-order on the new shirt. Some chick here in Atlanta."

"Oh cool, glad to have support from the fans."

"But, this one, she always is first to order and buy merchandise, ever since the site opened."

"What's her name?"

"Dymond Cannon."

I had to hold back my smile and nod quietly. I knew that me following her was a great first move to make. I pulled out my phone and sent her a message on Kik, anxiously waiting for a reply.

*Dymond's POV*

My phone buzzed as I took a sip of my juice. I unlocked it and squeaked a little beside myself. This couldn't be real, how did Chance The Rapper not only follow me but also Kik me in the same day? I stared at the message icon with my heart pounding.

-The Talk-

C: Hey there! I'm Chance, what's up?

Me: Hi! I'm a HUGE fan! Well I'm not huge in size, I just love your music so much. You're really talented!

C: Haha, thanks beautiful. You're really talented too.

Me: At being a fan?

C: That too, cause I see you get all the merchandise. That's awesome.

Me: Yeah, I really like the shirts. I designed some white vans that look like the two mixtape covers.

C: You posted those on IG, right?

Me: Not yet. Wanna see?


Me: Okay :) *sends picture of shoes*

C: I really wanna get these on the site. How would you feel about working with our design team and marketing people?

Me: I'm honored! Wow, I would really love to. Thank you so much!

C: Thank you! That's dope work. I've listened to your projects on soundcloud.

Me: ... What?! Today is really an amazing day... Wow.

C: You're good. Better than good. I wanna put you on my next project.

Me: Wow... Wow... Oh my God... Oh my God you're serious?? You're like, actually serious? Like this is real right now?! Omg!! For real?!

C: This is as real as I can get. Would you bless me with your lyrical gifts and vocal gold?

Me: Of course! I could write and record from home and email you everything from right here in Atlanta.

C: Actually... I wanted to write together in person. My tour ends here in Atlanta, I could stay here for a while, and I'm willing to pull some strings and get you relocated to Chicago with me. Is that something you would like?

Me: Yeah, I, wow, uhm, yeah totally!! You think you could talk to my boss with me? And maybe send a letter to my dean? I'll have to take online classes.

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