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Step 1: select a main theme Ex. States of being

"Let's go!" Luke whispered yelled at the others who were still slowly packing the back of his mum's van. The six of them were running away, and maybe they had a recently acquired sleepy kitten named Cooper joining them. Luke was in the driver's seat waiting for the doors to click shut before he started driving, Michael was curled next to him with the tiny sleeping kitten in his arms.

"How are you feeling, Mikey?" Luke asked softly, squeezing Michael's knee gently.

Michael shrugged. "I'm okay, I guess," short. That was all anyone was getting from Michael.

Luke forced a smile. "Alright, baby. Get some sleep, you have to be tired yeah?"

Michael fidgeted slightly and Luke instinctively knew something was wrong. Sleeping was a touchy subject for Michael after his twenty-four day coma. "Promise I'll wake up?" he asked quietly.

"I'll wake you in two hours if you don't wake up on your own. Deal?" Luke offered needing his boyfriend to sleep.

Michael hesitated thinking over the proposition once, then twice before coming to a conclusion. "Deal," he muttered, shifting in the seat to find a comfortable position, his head turning away from Luke.

"Sleep well, kitten,"

Michael was asleep before they had started driving much to Luke's relief. Tatiana was first to climb into the van as Ashton and Calum packed the last bag. Her old friend, and the others new friend, Alice, climbed in after her. They weren't quite sure why Alice had wanted to tag along, but Tatiana assured them she had plenty to run from. They moved to the back carefully Alice whacking her head in the roof only once. When Calum and Ashton finally closed the doors and settled into the middle bench, Luke revved the engine and hastily pulled out of the driveway, tearing down the road. It was slightly chaotic and they were all panicking at the thought of being caught, but as Luke drove into the night Ashton let out a few laughs filled with a quiet hysteria. Soon enough they were all doubled over laughing, in Luke's case grinning manically and chuckling as he drove, and Calum let out a celebratory whoop.

Within the next hour only Luke and Alice were still awake the excitement having quickly turned to boredom that exhaustion soon preyed on.

The girl watched as Luke carefully navigated the roads his eyes occasionally shifting over to the sleeping boy next to him with the sleeping kitten on his lap. "You really love him don't you?" she asked quietly.

Luke looked at her through the mirror, startled slightly at the voice. "Yeah I do," his grip tightened on the steering wheel and Michael's hand. Why was it always him getting stuck with the awkward first real conversation? "What about you? Have you ever been in love?"

Alice smiled sadly as if she were reminiscing an old happier memory and Luke figured that she must have been. "Once, yes. Or at least I thought it was love. And maybe at the beginning it was, but the love was certainly never reciprocated,"

"Were they in another relationship?" Luke asked gently, knowing topics like this tended to be delicate.

"No, he was abusive," Luke was thoroughly surprized by her blatant honesty. Any other person would have hidden that for as long as they could have. "I understand now that it wasn't really love if he was able to hurt me like he did, but I loved him. I think that for a time I was so in love I didn't realize that what he was doing was wrong. I don't think love is blind though, that wasn't the reason. No when you're in love you see everything, but you choose to be ignorant to it. I only wish I stopped being ignorant earlier on," Alice saw no harm in opening up to Luke. If Michael could confide in him then he must be trustworthy. She was willing to take a leap of faith in hopes that they would decide to keep her around.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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