the day i met him=)~

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A/N:it's my first story So try and help  ME!!!!!!PLZZZZ!!

yuki pov:

i'am not sure where i was going,all i knew was that i had to fined the hunters exam,

i saw a ship that was sailing and i jumped on it ,after the landing i was lost out of my mind,knowing i have no sense of direction so i followed my instincts:(

i then looked around and saw i crowd of people,so i went there planing to ask for directions,not knowing how many perverts are there . i tried to fit in but some man grabed by butt!!!!!!.

.'ahhhhhh!!!,i yelled enough to get all eyes on me.i couldn't take it i hate when people touch my privet parts .The man had a box nose and brown hair . (A.K.A tompa)i almost killed him but then i just ran away i knew what i was doing wasn't going to help me any i hate seeing people lose their life just like that because it reminds me of what happened to my perants.then the man's voice saying i couldn't kill him because i was too scared*man i  hate that guy*i though.

And all of the sudden my hopes got all high when i saw a sweet shop nearby,i ran into it like a wak job i saw my favorite sweet but tere was only one,

'it's mine!!!'i shouted

 but i herd i nother vice say the same words,i couldnt help but look a the idiot who whanted to take my sweets . we both ran to the sweet and graped it

'yes!'it's mine . i didn't even notise that his hand was no top off mine and it felt so worm! allthought i liked that position so much but i knew it wasn't going to last that long i looked at him face to face

'hey old man, let go'i said.he looked back

'wat!'.i said sweets arent good for old people.and at the same time he said

'do i look like an old man'!!!!!.'do really want me to answer that'i looked at him with a sacastic face.

'agh!!!'he said then left.

killua pov

i enterd the sweet shop looking arourd for my favorite sweet

'i found it' i yelled.and then this beau......this girl comes in ,she lookes aroud the same time as me and then we both yell'it's mine'we ran to it and grabbed the ice cream but she got it first i

couldont help but think of how she got it, icould've swore i was way before her but i had this feeling towords her that i couldn't explain and i dont know why?

'OY KITT0,let go'*at that moment i though i'll chok her to death

'who gives a nickname at first sight'!

'i said sweets arent good for kids at your age.she said in a baby vice .

'what do you mean kid your practically my age!',she looked at me staight with those uncaring eyes .

'hey,i'm 12' she said acting like i was 7 or somthing.

'agh!!!!! iwas so angry i never lost in an argument before because i always end up killing them but for her i had this wired feeling like i was gonna piuk.i had no choice but run after her.

'HEY'i shouted while i graped her left arm and pulled it.she tured to see me however some thing smushed my face ...after that i relized she had the ice cream in her right hand and  hit me with the ice cream by accident

'my ice cream!'she said pissed off she grapped my shoulder'i though she was trying to freak me out'i said to my self but then she leaned to my face,and licks the ice cream off

Yuki POV

i didn't know what i was doing,all i knew is the he had my ice cream on his face and i wanted it back,so i grabbed his shoulders and leaned to lick his face off my ice cream then i relized that i was licking someones face

'w-w-what are you doing'he said turning red,

'getting my ice cream back!

'i said and asked him if he was ok because he went all red so i cheaked for my self and touched his forehead,for tempreture

'i'm f-f-f-fine'he said in embarrassment.

'my name is k-killua' he tried to change the subject,

'i'm yuki''nice to meet you

'lets just pretend that never happened'i suggested

'got it,

'so where are you headed?'.

'i'm enterning the "hunter exam to some time'

'really,i'm going there too but i kinda got lost'i siad facing down of ebaresment.

'well...'i cut him off by suggesting that the two of you could work together.

'sure but.....'i cut him of again because i grabbed on his hand telling him that will be the worlds greatest partners,'so where is the exam any way?'i questioned.

'i'll tell you if you let go of my hand'he siad while i start blushing

we both went on a ship and looked at three other contestents that looked suspicious.all of the sudden a storm began.

'i hate storms' i moned as i ran inside,it got harder and harder,i felt someone push me and i fell on the deck,i didnt know who but the wind pushed me and i knew i couldn't swim,even a pro can't swim in this storm

'HELP!!'i screamed knowing how much i'm scared of the sea,for a moment i though i saw someone jump after me allthough i couldn't see i felt it grbbed me from the waist and lift me up with worm hands,while my eyes went open and shut .

I woke up after the storm ended,and saw killua right infront of my face

'yuki,can you here me!'he said,i lifted my head up quickly and it hit his head

'OW,OW,OW'he said,'you awake'he said happyly surprised and relieved

'tish...'i said,trying to make a whatever sound coz i knew he wasn't the one who saved me,

'what do you want?'you siad with anger

'i saved you and thats the way you say speak to me?,the least you could have siad was

'oh,killua thank you for saving me'i punched him in the head and he got that anime bump for even trying to mimik my voice 

'i looked at him with disbelief'you?....saved me?prove it!'i siad

'fine believe what you want,what,you think prince charming saved you?' he siad with alot of sarcasm

'he would've been waaaaaaay better then you!'i siad while i rolled my eyes.

'thats too bad coz you've already been saved'he said and won the argument.

me:you went on and on like a mad couple

i'll try to make it more intresting>.

plzz coment on if it's good so far!???

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