Chapter Eleven - Helga's Confession.

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"Stupid football head!" Helga spat as she kicked an empty can on the ground.

"It was all his fault anyway! Treating me like that and then actually pretending he has no clue?!" Helga continued.

She walked along but slowed down as she blinked. She soon stopped and looked at a puddle on the ground as she mumbled "But then again, for doing all...that stuff"

She looked left and right before rushing behind the toilets. She pulled out her heart locket as she gushed-

"Oh Arnold! How could I do this to you? How could I have been so selfish to attempt and ruin your friendship with a companion who you love. How I wish your love was for me but I cannot force you to push it to me but my cruel jealousy got in the way. And look where I am now, I've lost you! You hate me now"

She frowned as she looked up at the stars which were starting to form in the sky.

She gushed "My love, if only I could fix all, I would! If only I could speak to you and let you know how sorry I am! If only I could tell Lila that it was all me!"

She whimpered and fell back. Suddenly, a flush came from the toilet which made Helga jump. The door opened as Lila came out, her hair wet but her clothes dirt free with only a slight faint dirt patch. She tried to wipe it off with a tissue until her eyes met Helga who was awkwardly standing up.

Lila smiled "Why, Hello Helga"

Helga brushed the dirt off and hid the locket back as she laughed awkwardly "H-Hi Lila, what's up?"

Lila battered her eyes "Oh, I was just trying to get the dirt out of my hair and clothes"

Helga rubbed her arm "Oh right. I figured"

Lila nodded before looking down at the ground and sighing sadly. Helga gulped as she spoke-

"Hey...what's eatin' ya?"

She asked as if she didn't know the answer already.

Lila sighed "Well, to be perfectly honest...its...Arnold..."

Helga squeaked "Arnold!?"

Lila replied "Well...yeah...I mean he used to be so nice and all...but today...he kinda acted be perfectly honest...a jerk"

Helga gasped. This is what she always wanted; for Lila to think of Arnold as a jerk. But now, something has changed. Now instead of evil happiness, she just felt guilt.

They began walking as Lila continued "I mean...first I asked him not to bump into me in the bumper cars...and he did just ever so hard...and then he told me to go into Cart 9 on the Winter he said it doesn't spin fast like the others...but he was lying because it did...just ever so fast...and then...he drenched me with his water gun and that made me get dirt all over me...I don't know...he just seems to be acting...well...ever so mean"

That was it. Helga had had enough. She couldn't take the guilt anymore. She was angry at the fact Lila had called Arnold mean.

Helga exploded "No he isn't! Arnold is far from mean! How could you say that!?"

Lila gasped at Helga's outburst as she stuttered "B-but today-"

Helga burst "It wasn't his fault, none of it was!"

Lila stopped as she asked "But how?"

Helga screamed "Because...I set Arnold up!"

The area fell silent as they watched Helga's outburst. She looked around as did Lila as Helga growled and pushed Lila aside to a more quieter bit. Namely...behind the toilets.

Helga continued "It was my fault, Lila! Not Arnold's! I set him up! On the Bumper Cars? I was the one who smacked my foot on the peddle to go full speed into your cart! On the Cheese Wheel? I was the one who asked the guy which carts were the most shakey so Arnold didn't lie, I did! And on the game stall? I moved my water gun to knock Arnold over so that his would land on you! It was all my fault, Arnold's innocent!"

Helga gasped as she threw her head in her hands as she shook her head. Lila blinked back as she starred at Helga. Why did she do this? Helga mumbled "Your angry at me aren't you?"

Lila sighed "Well, to be perfectly honest...I am a little hurt...but I know that you must have done it for some reason? If you tell me what the reason was...then I won't get mad"

Helga sighed "Thanks. The reason" Helga then frowned as she crossed her arms and turned away "Why should I tell you? You won't believe me!"

Lila placed her hand on Helga's shoulder "Helga, I will, no matter how oh so ridiculous it may sound. Please. Be honest"

Helga gulped as she took a deep breath and let it pour" Arnold asked me to come here with him...and you...among others...know my secret feelings for I was really happy...but then I heard Arnold and Gerald over talking earlier on...and...Arnold was going on about how he felt he didn't want to go along with a mean plan which involved I stayed and listened...and it turned out...Arnold didn't ask me to go to the fair because he wanted to...he asked me to the fair...because he knew you were going...and he wanted to make you jealous in the hopes that you might like him like him"

Lila nodded. But she held a poker face even if she was shocked at Arnold.

She smiled "I believe you, Helga" she placed her hand on Helga's shoulder again "Now I understand why you did that, even though it was oh so mean. It's not a good idea to cause more bad revenge when something bad is about to happen"

Helga said "I'm sorry Lila. I hope you can forgive me"

Lila giggled "Thank you Helga and I accept. Anyway, I've no interest in Arnold in a romantic way"

Helga's eyes brightened "Y-you don't?"

Lila replied "Well no Helga. He is a very nice friend but that's all to be honest and anyway, I wouldn't want to do that to you." Helga raised an eyebrow as Lila continued "I know it took a lot of guts for you to tell me your secret about Arnold so I wouldn't be so mean to tell anyone or take Arnold away from you. That's what I like about you Helga"

Helga said confused "Huh?"

Lila replied "Your really brave and tough about your feelings"

Helga smiled as she rubbed her neck "Gee, thanks Lila. Oh, but now Arnold hates me because he thinks you hate him. It's a big mess"

"Don't worry, Helga. I'll talk to him and say that I have forgiven him and that you told me the truth. Believe me, if Arnold is the nice and kind boy I think he is, he will forgive you" Lila spoke sweetly.

"You think?" Helga asked with glee in her tone.

"I'm oh so positive" Lila replied.

"Thank you so much" Helga said as she smiled. Lila then threw her arms open and gave Helga a big hug. Helga looked around before she wrapped her arms around Lila too; the first time they had hugged.

Lila waved to Helga as she walked away looking for Arnold. Helga then looked at her locket before looking at the now starry sky while thinking:

"Everything going to be OK"

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