Rules + Requesting

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Hi! Welcome to Leigh's Cover Shop! I'm Leigh, your regular Wattpadder who is in the process of learning how to and making covers of all types. I had a thread in the MDC, but I realized making a cover shop book would be so much easier and less time-consuming. Examples of my covers can be found in my "supernovas" reading list. There are three types that I make: minimalist, simple, and manipulated.

Minimalist - a plain-colored background and simple font with a relatively small image in the center (ex: "Self-Destruct")

Simple - an image as the background and some font (ex: "What Fragile Lives We Live")

Manipulated - a bunch of images and photos that were edited and placed together in a very complex manner (ex: "Ethereal Fall")

Just a heads-up, manip covers take a lot of time to make, so I'm going to be pickier about who I'll accept in those cases. There shouldn't be too much of a time issue with minimal and simple cover requests. Now, if you want to request, all I ask is for you to follow the rules and complete the payment. Sound good?


1. Please be patient. Midterms are coming up, so I don't know how busy I'll be with schoolwork. The maximum waiting time is a week, if that makes you feel any better.

2. Please do not request when this shop is closed. If it's closed, then there must be a good reason for it.

3. No anime or R-rated covers. If anything, I can refer you to some graphic designers that are great in those fields, but sadly, they aren't me.

4. The story must be either posted or ready to post. I'm sorry, but it makes me wither inside when I see a cover that I spent a lot of time on go to waste.

5. Payment is a follow, but if you do request a manip cover, payment is a follow + comment on Chapter One of "Palimpsest".

6. If you do decide to use my cover, please tell me and credit me in the description of your story.

R E Q U E S T   F O R M

Minimal, simple or manip:


Subtitle (optional):  


Short Summary (2-4 sentences):


Ideas (has to be detailed or I won't accept!):

Request in the comments section below!

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