Dean, Sam, and one very broken Angel

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Chapter one
Dean walked into the bunker and
smiled. Sam was sitting next to Gabriel, their hands nearly touching. "Hey, lovebirds." He chuckled. Sam's head whirled around, a heavy blush dusting his features while Gabriel just laughed. "We are not lovebirds. I don't swing that way, Dean." Sam said firmly. Dean saw Gabe's face fall a little. "Whatever, Sammy." Dean said. He put the pie on the table and went to his bedroom to get a shower. After getting dressed, he sat down in a chair away from Sam and Gabriel. They were sitting much farther away from each other, a slight pout on Gabe's face. "What's on?" Dean asked, trying to break the mood. "Hell's Kitchen." Sam said briskly. "Good. I need some Ramsey after the day I've had. I had to spend three hours searching up one person before I had to find his unmarked grave and burn him!" Dean whined, taking a long swig from his beer and stabbing his fork into a bit of pie. "Where's Cas?" Sam shrugged. "Heaven stuff, I guess." "He always has 'heaven stuff,' what is it he actually does up there?" Gabe smiled. "Don't even think about that." Dean warned, thinking of the very same thing. Could be hot, an angel doing the most sinful action of humans. "You know you love it." Gabe teased. "Shut your face." Dean growled. Castiel stumbled into the bunker, his hair all in a disarray and his trench coat tattered. Blood smeared the side of his face and his eyes were quickly losing their brightness. "Cas!" Dean yelled, running over and catching the angel as he fell. "Shit, Sammy, get your ass over here!" Sam was on Castiel's other side in seconds. Gabe's face was terrified and Castiel had officially fainted. "Sam, help me get him into bed." Dean said hurriedly, carrying Castiel to his bedroom with the help of Sam. Gabriel pulled up the covers. "What the hell happened?" Dean asked angrily, his features worried and beyond pissed off. "I don't know! Gabriel? Do you have any idea?" "None. No, he wouldn't do that." Gabriel shook his head quickly. "What? What wouldn't who do?" Dean demanded. "Father. I thought maybe he'd taken Castiel's Grace. But he wouldn't do that. He couldn't do that..." Gabriel tried hard to convince himself God wouldn't do that. But he knew it was possible. "Dean," Sam wanted to say something, anything, to Dean. He knew Dean would have a hard time with this but he couldn't find any words to help. "It'll be ok." He said simply. "No, it's won't be, Sam! Castiel is gonna be scared shitless and he doesn't know how to be human!" Dean yelled. "Sam is right. Castiel is going to be ok. You live, right? The only difference in Castiel being human is that he used to be an angel." "Dean, just go to bed. It's late and Cas isn't going to be awake for a while." Sam said gently. "Fine." Dean walked away and went to sleep on the couch. He feel asleep eventually, dreams of broken wings invading him.

Chapter two
"Dean? Dean, wake up." Sam nudged Dean awake and Dean had to blink the sleep from his eyes for a few seconds. Once Sam wasn't fuzzy, he pushed himself off the couch and shuffled to his bedroom. He didn't want to talk to Sam. Only to see Cas. He needed to make sure Cas was ok. "Hey, buddy." Dean smiled lightly at the ex angel waking up. "Hello, Dean." Castiel said quietly. He became more aware of his surroundings and the night's events came flooding into him, a pounding headache drowning him. "Dean, my Father...he..." Castiel tried to say it, he really did. But saying it proved to difficult and tears flowed freely as he bawled. "I know, Cas. It's ok. We'll help you get used to it." Cas cried harder and looked up at Dean. "I don't want to be used to it! I want my wings back! I want my Grace and my wings back. I don't want to be a human! Humans have emotions and pain, and I can't handle that! Look at me now!" He yelled. Dean had to look away. The pain and fear clouded by anger in his best friend's eyes shook him to the very core. He couldn't take those soulless eyes. "I know, Cas. We're here for you. We'll make it as easy as possible, I promise. Do you need anything right now?" Castiel thought for a moment, as if checking his body. "My stomach has some sort of...pressure." Dean blushed. "Pain or pressure?" "Pressure." "I think you have to pee, Cas." Dean said lightly. He really didn't want to help Cas pee. It would make it very difficult to control himself. "Oh." Castiel said quietly. "What do I do?" "Sam!" Dean yelled. Sam ran in and saw Castiel and Dean. "What? What's wrong?" He said breathlessly. "Castiel has to use the bathroom. Could you maybe take care of that?" Dean asked. "What? No! You're here, you help him." Sam said firmly. Castiel shifted his legs. "Please, Sammy?" Dean begged. "Fine. Cmon, Cas." Sam helped Castiel out of bed and half carried him to the bathroom. He shut the door and sighed. He knew Dean wouldn't have begged if it hadn't been a real problem for him. Sam slugged into the bathroom behind Cas and prepared for the worst.

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