Chapter 7

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One Month Later

On Monday, September 14th, Rachel walked into her 1st-period math class and saw a girl sitting at a desk in the 3rd row.

"Who is she?", Rachel asked her friends.

"We don't know.", they said, shrugging their shoulders.

When Daniel came into the room, the girl froze and stared at him.

After class, the girl walked out of the room and into the hallway.

While she was looking at her schedule, she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around.

"Hillary! OMG!", she said, hugging her tight.

"What are you doing here?", Hillary asked her.

Amy told her they moved to Atlanta because her Dad got a new job.

"That's great.", Hillary said.

"Thanks.", Amy said.

"Hill, who is that guy?", Amy asked, pointing at Daniel.

"Oh, that's Daniel Rodriguez.", Hillary answered her.

"I saw him in my math class. I think he's cute.", she said.

"Would you like me to introduce you to him and his friends?", Hillary asked her.

"No, I don't want to interfere.", Amy said.

"Okay.", she said.

Then, they went to class.

At Lunch, Amy thought about Daniel.

"So, does Daniel have a girlfriend?", Amy asked.

"Yeah, her name is Rachel Hays.", she said.

"How long have they been together?", she asked Hillary.

"I don't know.", Hillary said.

"Can you ask one of them for me?", she asked her.

"Sure.", Hillary said.

After lunch, they went to class.


On the next day after class, Hillary saw Rachel in the hallway.

"Hey, Rachel.", she said, coming towards her.

"Hey, Hillary.", Rachel replied.

"Can I ask you a question?", she said.

"Sure.", Rachel said.

"How long have you and Daniel been together?", Hillary asked.

"We've been together for 1 month.", Rachel answered.

"Thanks.", Hillary said.

"You're welcome.", Rachel said.

They said bye and went to class.

At lunch, Amy and Hillary talked.

"I asked Rachel how long she and Daniel have been together for you.", she said.

"What did she say?", Amy asked.

"She said they've been together for 1 month.", Hillary answered.

"Thanks.", Amy said.

"You're welcome.", Hillary replied.

After lunch, they went to class.

On her way to her next class, Amy saw Rachel and Daniel talking and holding hands in the hallway.

She became very, very jealous.

When she came home, she did her homework and ate dinner.

After dinner, she cleaned the kitchen and took a shower.

As she laid in bed, she thought about Daniel.

She thought he was very handsome.

She started getting feelings for him, too.

I've gotta find a way to break Daniel and Rachel up! , she thought to herself.

Then, she got an idea.

"I know just the thing.", she said, smiling as she went to sleep.

On Monday, Rachel came to class and talked to Daniel.

"Hey, Dan!", she said.

"Hey, Rac!", he replied.

"Would you like to come over to my house for dinner Saturday night?", she asked him.

"Sure.", he said.

"Okay, great.", she said.

Then, they said bye and went to class.

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