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I wanted to post it here too because most of you guys probably didn't read it in the other book.

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Justoot met a girl, her name was Alboot.

JUSTOOT loved Alboot so much that he made a song for her called Alboot,

Aloooot I love you so much oh,oh,oh Alooot.

Alboot also loved Justoot, BUT! Justoot was caught by the paparazzi walking with another girl!! People clamied it was


Alboot got really sad, Justoot told her it was nothing but Alboot didn't listen and dumped Justoot.

Justoot was so devastated that he made another song for Alboot, it was called " sorry "

Alboot heard it and was really sad, Alboot loved the song Justoot made so much. So, Alboot gave Justoot another chance and Justoot and Alboot lived happily ever after.


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