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two years later

There were about thirty people at the party. Two years ago, I wouldn't have dreamed of inviting anyone over to my father's cluttered and dusty old house. I still resented the name my aunts  had given it, calling the rustic property a swamp, but it had been in need of some renovations. It took months of sorting and emotional decision making, but I had managed to respectfully keep sentimental mementos from the house and get rid of the mess. After that, I decided to remodel and redo most of the rooms. I loved my Dad and wanted to honor his memory, but I also wanted to feel at home in my house. Of course, it helped that I had Hal Stevens, boyfriend extraordinaire. In addition to being a popular professor and a published writer, we was quite the handyman. My house was my dream home, and having Hal there made everything so much better. My mom and stepdad were there at the party, mingling with Hal's sister and nieces. Even Jerry was there, upon Hal's invitation. Normally Hal kept Jerry miles away from me, but tonight Hal wanted Jerry to hear our news and show off how happy I was without Jerry. Hal was almost perfect, but he definitely like to show when he'd won. Some battles we had learned to let go, like the lawsuit to claim my inheritance. I didn't want to take my family, even my dysfunctional family, to court. So we settled, allowing my aunts to keep the fortune on the provision that they paid off all of my student debt. It was a win-win situation.

I stood up and raise my glass, causing everyone to look up at me.

"Hello everyone, thank you for coming!" I said loudly. "We have a lot to celebrate tonight. About ten of us are now licensed attorneys, so if you have any litigation needs, we're here for you!" Some of the people laughed. Hal rolled his eyes, lovingly I hope. He was clean shaven these days, and sometimes I missed his beard. "I am so excited to be done with law school, and I am proud of all of you. You've been my friends and colleagues, and there's no one I'd rather spend tonight with."

"Honey," Hal called out. "Enough lawyer talk, get to the announcement." I chuckled and whispers spread.

"As you all know, I have been with Hal for a long time. We love each other, we built this house together. Seriously, a couple of weeks ago this party would have been wet paint and dry wall themed. With Hal's book being published and my graduation, we just felt like it was time." I held up my hand, which was featuring a heart shaped diamond on a simple white gold band. Some applause followed, and Hal walked up and kissed me.

"She did say yes, by the way," Hal said. People were talking and it was one of those moments you could just freeze forever. I saw Jerry in the background, flirting with a friend of mine. Maybe Hal's odd friendship with him could blossom since we were engaged, I didn't know. My mom and stepdad approached me, gushing and fawning over my new sparkly accessory.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you guys something," I said. My mom stopped, attentively. "I know traditionally the Dad walks the daughter down the aisle. I was hoping both of you could escort me, because you guys are both so important to me. Mom, I know for years and years you were my mom and my Dad. I love you..." I started to cry, feeling silly. Mom hugged me, and told me they would do whatever I wanted on my wedding.  

"Mom," I said, prompting my stepdad to slip away from all the crying. "Do you think that everything happens for a reason. I mean, maybe Dad dying was a part of some plan to bring me to Hal..."

"No sweetie, I don't believe in destiny," she said. "I've always believed we make choices. And we can choose to make the best of what we've been given." I smiled and we hugged again. As I looked around at friends, family, and the small of picture of me and Dad in the corner, I felt like I'd been given a lot.

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