Renewed Life

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There was an orb called Nirvana. It got its name by an adventurer named Collen Age. He had jet black hair and wears a long sleeve shirt and matching long pants. His blue eyes make him look innocent but when he is angry, it will become as dark as the cloudy sky. Since the year 2020 after its first discovery, it mysteriously shattered into 100 pieces after Collen touched it. The pieces flew across the world and one day later, peculiar events started occurring worldwide. There were more natural disasters and there has been reports of monsters destroying cities. Collen decided to hide the truth from the world and lived secretly under the name Pythas. He got married to a beautiful girl named Roselia. She had long yellow hair which flowed down to her hips. Her silver eyes made her look so innocent and they glistened under any light, causing people to be mesmerized by her beauty. His fake family name is Konohara because he fear that people might question him about his sudden disappearance after Nirvana shattered.

It is now the year 2030 and a young teen, aged 16, by the name of Rei Konohara, lived a normal high school life. He has green hair and orange eyes. He may not look muscular but he can lift a 50 pound weight when asked to. His academics is the top in school. He has the title: "Natural Talent" and it is known to everyone in the school, including the principal. However, one day, he decided to stop his way of life. The reason is simple. Fame. All the fame he is getting is starting to get irritating. He wants to have a peaceful and quiet life. Away from all his fans. The girls even made him a fan club. Everywhere he goes, the toilet, the cafeteria or even the rooftop to have a nap, there will always be a crowd following him.

He wants to stop this fame that he is getting. Thus, he decided to fail all his tests and play truant. The teachers tried to persuade him to change his attitude but he refuses to. Enough is enough. What he wanted was a peaceful high school life, not a life where he gets followed around school almost every minute.

A few weeks later, his fan club began to disband. Lesser people were following him. He was satisfied. It finally became the way he wanted his high school life to be. Peaceful. Quiet. No one to disturb him. One day, while he was resting on the rooftop, he looked at the blue sky. The clouds looked whiter than usual. The birds that flew past dropped feathers. He wanted to evade them but he smelt a familiar aroma. He picked up one of the feathers and smelt it. It was just as he thought. It smelt of lavender. The only place in the city of Toku, where he lived, that has lavenders is his house garden.

After school, he went straight home. There was only one thing that he had in mind. Lavender on a bird's feather. The last time he saw his garden with birds was a long long time ago when he was 5. He has never seen a bird that carries the scent of lavender since then. Curious about this fact, he asked his mom if she seen any birds earlier that day. She declined seeing any birds and took the opportunity to get Rei to help out with gardening. Rei regretted asking that question. He never liked gardening at all. To him, gardening is like a test he will never pass despite his soaring academics.

He had one wish. That wish was to start a new life, totally different from what he is doing now. He had enough of this life. Even though he wanted a peaceful high school life, living everyday like that is kind of boring for him. He had a lot of opportunities to make friends but he declined every single one of them. He wished time could rewind but that was impossible.

That afternoon, as he was digging a hole for the lavender, he got a strange feeling. It felt as if time has stopped. He decided to ignore it and he continued digging. Lavender plants roots had to be deep into the ground if not it will not receive sufficient nutrients for growth. Apparently, the part of Toku he lived at had the deepest soil and because of the lavenders, his mom opened a florist. Tourists and locals visit their shop to buy lavender. As a result, they earn quite a lot because they sell lavender at a high price.

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