Chapter 1

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The morning sun was shining very brightly. Birds were chirping away on the tree branches while the grass swayed with the wind.

A green hair boy was lying on the grass with his hands on his head. He slowly opened his eyes and he sat up straight. Staring into the horizon, he thought: "I accepted Collen's request to save the world. But how can I do that? I don't even know where to start. Looks like I have to ask around."

Rei then stood up. He scanned his surroundings to see if there was anything he could use to fill his growling stomach. Something caught his eye as he scanned the surroundings.

Black columns of smoke slowly rose up to the sky, turning the blue sky into a grey animosity.

"Oh, no. When there is smoke, there is fire. Where there is fire, it means that there are people there. When there are people there, it means that I can get food! God dammit!! Whoever you are, you can harm the people there, but don't you harm my food!!" Rei then charged at full speed towards the smoke.

5 minutes later, he arrived at the location of the smoke. There was a sign with the name of the village: Kuro Village. It was burning and soon the sign fell apart.

The village was in a huge mess. People who looked like bandits were using machetes to slaughter the villagers and they ransacked the whole town for their supplies.

A white hair elderly ran towards Rei, hands begging for him to come closer. Rei was hesitant at first but he decided to help.

"Hey, old man! What happened here? Why are there bandits attacking?"

"I'm the village elder. These bandits... They come here every month to cause havoc, claiming that our village has some sort of rich gem buried here."

"Wait a minute. Rich gem? Could they mean? Excuse me, but is the gem they are looking for something a pink shard like this?" Rei then picked up a stick and drew what he meant.

"Yes! Yes! They are looking for that. But we don't have it! We're just a peaceful village. Even if we have that gem, we wouldn't even know what to do with it. Please help us. We just want our lives back. We can't live like this forever." The elderly bowed his head numerous times and his tears shined brightly as the sun's rays illuminated them.

"What a coincidence. I was looking for food. But what did I get? A clue where my first shard can be found. Great. Very well. I'll help you drive these bandits away."

"You will?! Thank you so so very much! You have our deepest gratitude!"

Rei patted the elderly's shoulder and walked off towards the burning village.

"Wow. What a hero I was. I like acting cool like that, but, I don't even know how to fight. How am I supposed to save the village?" Rei thought as he marched towards the bandits.

"You have the power in you, Rei... Call upon it and it will answer you..."

"Collen?! Is that you? Tell me, now! How do I fight?!" Silence answered him.

"God dammit. When I need him most, he vanishes. I have a bad feeling." Rei arrived in front of the bandits.

"Hey, you lot over there! Stop what you're doing right now!" Rei shouted.

The bandits were all stunned for a second before one rebuked Rei. "Who the hell are you?! What business do you have here?! This is our village! Get out!"

"Your village? Excuse me, you charged into this village, slaughtered the innocent people and now you threaten me to get out? I have seen and heard enough. You guys are all going down."

"Heh. A small fry like you can't do no shit to us! Get him!"

"Oh boy. I pised them off. Time to run I guess?" As if someone hearf him, they shouted at him.
"Don't think you can get away that easily!" Rei was then punched straight in the face and he flew a distance back, rolling on the floor.

"Shit. They sure know how to pack a punch. I can't fight them. They are not people I can fight with. This is not in the school. This is real life and what's more is that this is the past. I don't know anything about this world at all. I can't take them on." Rei tried to stand up but a kick to the back made him kiss the floor even harder. Several blows were landed on him, punches, kicks, cuts, everything.

"Ahahahahaha! Heh! All that big talk but in the end, you're still a weakling." The bandits laughed and walked away, continuing their assault on the village.

"Ah~~~!! Mister! Are you alright?! Oh, no! You need medical treatment right away!" The village elder came rushing to Rei.

Rei was on the floor, bleeding out. Several parts of his body was bruised. His breathing was becoming weaker. "Dammit...... I guess this is it for me...... so much for me being a hero... I deserved this.... I'll die smiling at least....."

"Fool... You are going to die to them, of all people...? Get up now... This is not the end..."

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