Rules and Regulations

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The title says it all. Like the old man said, "Everything goes straight by the book." Thats right from Steve and here's the way how to:

● Ask as many times as you like. It's limitless!!

● Ask reasonable questions. No offense, it's for the books own good. Cause I'm sure nobody likes reading silly questions and unreasonable answers.... right?

Too private? Message me or post it on my time line. Or if possible, get the app 'KIK' and message me there (find me as the same username and let me know that's you).

● And for the Best part... I do all ships! So feel free to ask anything about ETC: Stony,Romanogers,Stucky...

● And finally... As you know this book 'May' contains some mature interview. So if your uncomfortable for the incoming updates, leave or exit this book immediately. Sorry for the inconveniences.  (+_+)

*reads her own updates* That's a lot, but I hope this makes things clear and easier to proceed. Until Next Time!! ;)

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