The Begining of My End

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I stare at  the coffins. They sit side by side made from pine wood. The pastor stands in the front of the old church on his podium. I look around see others weeping in despair, then I begin to also. In the coffins lay my parents, my only family. They had contracted the plauge. This plague had killed ten percent of Rome's population, my parents included. I recalled the horrible memory even I tried to stop it, it just pushed into my thoughts, I couldn't stop it. I was just sitting in my cottage I call home it had been a good day. But then all of the sudden my parents started coughing up blood. They hacked and hacked it up. I bolted out our door, my bare feet throbbing from running against the cobblestone street. 

"Help! Help!" I shouted I ran down the street.

A man grabbed me from behind and said.

"Hey what is it kid." He said to me.

"I stumbled  over my words. My p-p-parents, the p-p-plague. Help!"

I got my first good look at the man he was tall, had kind blue eyes and broad shoulders. Together we sprinted back to my cottage. I flung open the door but I was to late.

"No"I shouted suddenly realising that I was still at the funeral.  People turned and stared at me, I lost my family and now I horrible embarrased myself, can this day get ang worse? The awnser was yes.

Later that day the funeral had ended ane I was walking the street not sure what to do now, or were to go. I couldn't bare what had happend. Then a kind woman came up to me and my new life in the orphanage had begun.

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