The Everlasting Gaze-Chapter 13

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            My mother walked away, going to talk to some of her friends who were standing in a crowd at the back of the room, she flashed me a smile before joing the conversation, and I waved a fredily smile.

            "Come on, Sarah." Red Rover laughed from the corner of the room, grabbing my shoulder. "We better keep up with your training, and maybe we should train you in the art of lying." He smiled.       

            "Where are we going?" I asked, taking a deep breath and squeezing my fists.

            "There is a job," He said, "a bank, and I think you're ready to do it yourself." His face turned more serious, as if looking into my soul to see if I indeed was ready.

            "I'm ready." I said, letting the breath out. Suddenly I was standing beside a line up of people, the words 'bank' scrolled across the wall, along with a sign that read 'line up here.'

            He looked surprised, "I was expecting an objection." He was standing beside me, "I should teach you how to control your manifesting."

            "That would have helped ten minutes ago." I rolled my eyes.

            "And here I was thinking you were growing up before my eyes." He smiled, his hands were crossed over his chest and his legs were parted.

            "Asking me to grow up?" I smiled, "how about you? You're like five-hundred!"

            We waggled his finger at me, "sure..." I broke down into a laughing fit, my sides ached with the effort.

            He joined in, but stopped in his tracks, "we should....start." He smiled. "In order to manifest you have to picture yourself touching something, moving something."

            "And to turn invisible?" I asked, my hands were held out to my sides.

            "You picture yourself invisible." He said.

            "Seems simple." I said

            "That's what you say now..." He laughed, "wait until you try it for yourself."

            I rolled my eyes, "I can do this." I seemed sure of myself, but deep down I wasn't. Closing my eyes I pictured myself touching a lamp, turning the light on. I opened my eyes. "Did it work?" I asked.

            "Not even close." He laughed. "Took me a year to master that skill."

            "I don't have a year!" I cried, my hands rolled into fists at my sides.

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