The 14th of February, 2016

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Valentine's Day rolled around, and I was still sick with the flu. I hadn't been able to do much, just lay in my bed, occasionally watching YouTube and trying to read.

I concentrated as hard as I could and sent Charlie a text.

Me: Well, shit. Looks like I'll be alone on Valentine's Day after all

Charlie: me too
Charlie: heh

Me: Isn't it really early in the morning in America?

Charlie: insomnia
Charlie: remember?

Me: Oh
Me: That's really bad, then :(

Charlie: yeah

Me: Are you okay?

Charlie: yeah just a little tired
Charlie: you?

Me: Yeah, just bummed BC I have no valentines date

Charlie: oh
Charlie: um
Charlie: if you want
Charlie: i can be your valentines date
Charlie: for today

Holy shit. Was this that infamous flirting I had heard so much about? I felt myself blush.

Charlie: i mean
Charlie: if you want to
Charlie: you dont have to

Aww, what a cutie.

Me: Yeah, sure! :D
Me: That sounds fun :3

Charlie: really?

Me: Yeah

Charlie: aw thank you babe
Charlie: i love you

Me: I love you too

Charlie: *leans into you*

Me: Wait what

Charlie: oh
Charlie: do you wanna virtual cuddle

Me: Ohhhh
Me: Yeah sure

Charlie: *smiles and leans into you*

Me: *wraps my arms around you*

Charlie: heh
Charlie: i like this
Charlie: *nuzzles your neck*

Me: *squeezes you*
Me: I like it too

Charlie: I really want this IRL

Me: Me too

Charlie: can i kiss your neck

Me: *kisses the top of your head* sure

Charlie: yay
Charlie: *kisses your neck*

Me: *grins and rubs your back*

Charlie: hey
Charlie: can i ask you a question
Charlie: thats kind of weird

Me: Sure :)

Charlie: um
Charlie: do you have a domination kink
Charlie: you dont have to answer

Me: Like
Me: Dominating, or being dominated?

Charlie: dominating

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