☆~Chapter 7~☆

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Yao gasped, his glimmering eyes widening in surprise. A big, utterly happy grin formed in his lips, tears bubbling in his eyes.

"A-Are you seriously letting me m-move in?" He managed to squeak out, getting up from his chair in a quick, joyful reflex.

The Russian male chuckled softly, nodding his head yes. "I'm asking if you wanted to, love,"

The shorter man bursted out in a fit of happy giggles, throwing his arms around his boyfriend's neck tightly and hugging him.

Ivan's arms wrapped around his wrist, warm yet cold at the same time, almost like a barrier that had been growing between them were being blown to shreds after the Russian young man's request; a barrier Ivan seemed perfectly comfortable with.

But suddenly, a shock of almost electric fear shook Yao's spine; smile slowly fading and joy quietening. "I-I'm sorry, love... I can't- I-I wouldn't leave my brother alon--" He flinched and looked up at the leather-gloved finger pressed against his warm, trembling lips.

"Nu-uh! I have already thought about it! He can move in too," Ivan smiled as warmly as the dark thoughts lingering in the back of his head let him, pulling his finger away from Yao's lips.

Yao smiled just slightly, letting out a sigh of relief. "T-Thank you, love..." He mumbled, burying himself into his lover's embrace before he could notice that it wasn't what bothered him the most.

Kiku would hate him for accepting Ivan's move. He'd probably refuse to go. And that torn Yao's heart in a twirling feel of fear and regret.

But Yao couldn't reject it.

It wasn't only a chance to live with the man he loved -or at least thought he loved, in a mansion filled with secrets as dark and mysterious as Ivan's glare-, but also to gain some pride and stop living like a rat, caught in a cheap, almost worn out trap he called a home for himself and his brother.

His brother, the only person he cherished and loved over Ivan and himself.

He had to accept, not only for his future with Ivan, but also for Kiku.

His thoughts wavered and slowly washed away by the comfort brought upon the bigger man's embrace and the gentle fingers stroking his hair and neck, which made him squirm and giggle happily, not noticing Ivan's expression.

A satisfied grin spread all across Ivan's hidden face, almost darkening his usually still, inexpressive features. Stroking Yao like a villain stroking his cat, he felt his target drawing closer.

He would've never thought that Ekaterina's plan could bring him succeed, but a human's mind seems to work wonderfully under pressure. Under the pressure of death against a loved one.

He almost thought of thanking her for such a brilliant idea. She was just what the Blood Union needed: a bright, young mind. And that's what the Blood Union would get as long as Ivan could threat Ekaterina with Natalya's safety.

He could almost feel the Honda's throat between his clasping hands, hear his cries for help and his dying gasp, feel the satisfaction of honoring his old father's only wish.

He could almost become his favorite son for an ephemeral moment.


Natalya's eyes averted in doubt, her teeth brushing nervously against her lip. Toris' hands were gentle and pleasured her with teasing strokes about her sides and hips, yet his demands made her shiver.

"T-Toris... I-I already gave you the maps, don't ask for more... I regret g-giving them, please..." Her voice trembled at the memory, at how the guilty feeling had towered over her since then.

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