The Reactor

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Elloo lovelies so..Slades back! Oohh so scary.. Enjoy write meh some feedback about this here chapter a like would be nice... ~Teigan Robin ran through the streets of Jump, clutching his bo staff. He was talking with Cyborg on the T-Communicator, trying to locate Slade. Robin felt rushes of anger, frustration, excitement, and glee. Slade, his arch-enemy may finally be brought to justice. Robin knew one little mistake could end just that, Slade was very elusive. Robin also knew how dangerous and muniplative he could be. The last thing Robin wanted was his teammates injured, especially Starfire... Robin knew that if Slade ever layed a hand on her, he would kill him. Starfire was his bestfriend..he knew he loved her and he'd do anything to see her smile or hear her laugh. Robin put aside these thoughts as Cyborg's voice rang over the T-Communicator. "Robin, my tracker says Slade is hiding out in the old Nuclear Reactor on the East side of the city." Robin changed his course, and headed for the reactor. Starfire flew ahead. She was fast, much faster than any of the Titans. So it was no surprise she arrived at the reactor first. Starfire flew to the top and punched a hole threw it with a starbolt. She landed in a dim hallway. It smelled horrible, and to make matters worse, the hallway was oozing a green glowing substance. That must be radioactive, Starfire told herself. She flew down the hallway and went threw a lab door.

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