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I watched in horrified fascination as my arm became covered in black tally marks. This had to be a dream, I must have fallen asleep on the toilet. None of this was real. I tried pinching myself. Nothing happened. I tried to calm my heavy breathing and looked up at Amy and Jay who were both covered in tally marks. I felt a strong rush of panic, an urge to run. Without thinking I took off down the hallway. I could hear Jay's voice calling out behind me. "Maeve? What are you doing? Get back here!" I didn't know where I was going, I ran frantically up a flight of stairs. I had to escape. I ran down a hallway and made a quick turn into an office that I hoped had a lock. I wasn't suspicious enough to notice that it is wasn't locked in the first place. The room was dark and after I slammed the door and locked it I paused to catch my breath. Then I saw the ugliest creature. It had a large, white head and it was wearing a suite. I stood still unable to move. Calm down. Calm down. It had to be someone in a costume, so I decided to kick it and run. Where to run- my thoughts were interrupted by the creature raising its arm. I decided I better make the first move. I kicked it as hard as I could in the groin. It made a strange noise, almost like hissing. Then I ran to the first thing I saw: a blue telephone box. I had this feeling it was safe, which was stupid since it was made of wood and would trap me inside if the costume man tried to get me. I don't know what I was thinking.

I opened the door. What the heck. It was huge and orange. It was bigger than my room. How could this be real?It wasn't possible? Did I get knocked out? In the middle their was a platform and a console. I cautiously walked over to the console and gazed at all the buttons and levers. It looks real. I always loved machines. I reached out curiously to touch a interesting blue lever-

"Don't touch that!" Out of nowhere appeared the floppy brown haired, bow tie man I had seen earlier. He was wearing goggles and looked quite ridiculous.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just don't unless you want the whole universe to explode."

I crossed my arms. "Really? You expect me to believe that one lever can make the whole universe explode?"

"Alright then. Try." He said raising his non-existent eyebrows.

I reached out again only to have him smack it away. "Hey!"

"Not really!"

"You told me too!" I said indignantly.

"No I didn't! Well I didn't think you were stupid enough to do it!"

Just then Rory came in. I'm such a stalker, I thought with amusement.

"Um who's this? Where's Amy?"

"I don't know where your wife went off to, and who are you again?" He asked looking at me curiously.

Before I could answer Amy and Jay burst through the doors.

MaeveWhere stories live. Discover now