Frazel and Percabeth scrapbooks

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I got almost 650 views! I guess you really like this! My first viewers and voters, Thank You! Every time I saw a new vote or anything , I was so happy! So, to thank you, I will be doing an update marathon starting next week! Another few updates today, then a ton of updates next week. Oh, we're finally in Maryland. My friend used to live here. It's hilarious when she corrects us. Getting off track. The wifi is going to turn off, so I'm going to make more headcannons to post later! I am also going to call you demigods. Well, bye! - Haze

Bye! So long! Adios! Aloha! See you later!
Edit: I made a head canon for you:

Frank and Hazel were that adorable couple who does the sweetest things. There were literally 5 scrapbooks dedicated to them. But that was nothing compared to Percabeth. They have over 20 scrapbooks dedicated to them. They are stored in the Aphrodite cabin and brought out for new campers who ask about love, or walk by the cabin and get caught in the Percabeth rant.

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