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I laugh and dance, watching the campfires flames burn higher into the air as the music swirls around the area. The guitar and violin create a beautiful melody as the other people dance around. My small gold dress twirls around my legs as I change directions, dancing and clapping along. The faces of my family blur in my eyes as I twirl faster, a wide smile glued to my face. My mind is too caught up in the song to hear the gasps and screams as masked men attack the family. I finally stop dancing as Im grabbed and then released. I open my eyes, terrified of the sight in front of me. Why did I not die as well... I was grabbed.. Why..  I scream and cry heavily, collapsing to the ground and hiding my face. A hand softly touches my shoulder, silencing my sobs. "You had your heart taken. You are now a shadow angel. Your mission is to find your heart and get your wings. You have 3 years to get your wings, if you do not get them, you will be bound to the shadows where the others have gone once failed. Good luck young angel" The soft female voice says, and then removes her hand from my shoulder. I turn around, getting a small glimpse of gold eyes and a silver dress before the figure fades. I get up and run aimlessly into the woods, tripping over roots and pushing away branches from my face. Shadow angel...Shadow angel? 3 years to get wings or be bound into the shadows..  The thoughts cause me to run faster, tears flowing down my cheeks at the memory of my dead family laying on the ground. The night begins to blur in my mind, only knowing I ran further and harder than I ever have. I collapse onto the ground just as the sun begins to rise, slamming my head onto the mossy floor. I let out a soft cry as my world turns black. 

Hi all, I know I keep making new stories, but this one will be updated as much as possible as Im in school and busy with a certain someone. 

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