Chapter 1

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I fluff out my gold dress, pulling up my dark brown combat style boots. I walk out of the building that I sort of hide in, as not many can see me. Slowly I begin to walk down the street, wondering if somone would be able to see me today. I sigh soft watching people walk past me as I head into a small park. With a small giggle, I watch a few friends play along the trees and play structure. Oh how I wish that could be me. My eyes widen as I spot a shadow demon coming towards me. I turn and start running, knowing that he wants to abosrb my soul. Glancing behind me I see the demon catching up to me. I push my body to run faster, struggling to breathe. I scream when I slam into something or rather someone. I fall onto the sidewalk, hitting my head. "Careful! Are you ok!?" The voice says startled, reaching a hand down to help me up. I look behind me quickly to see the demon had left and I'm no longer in danger as of now. "Y-You can see me..?" I ask timidly, taking his hand and getting up. "Well, yea, you kinda ran into me" I look up to see a man speaking to me, a concered look on his face. "I..I was running from...a demon." I finally say, worried if he would run away. He gives a soft chuckle, looking to me "Yea.. They haunt me too" He says, smiling and fixing the strap on my dress. "I'm Matthew, What might be your name?" I shudder at his touch, barely able to say my name "Au-Autumn... Autumn ShadowMoon." Matthew smiles again, watching my movement. "You act like you haven't been touched in a long time Autumn." I stiffen at his words and nod slightly "I..I live on my own, I don't have parents." I say to him, feeling like I shouldn't look him in the eye. The hair on the back of my neck is standing up as my body reacts to the dominance he shows just by the way he speaks and stands. "Let me guess.. Demon got them? And I'm the only that has seen you since that happened?" Matthew says simply, looking at my bare feet and torn up dress. "Ye-yeah.. How did you know?" I ask startled at how much he knows. "Because, I have a friend that went through the same thing. I promise I won't do anything perverted, but come with me. I'll give you a place to stay and clothes." Matthew says, voice full of honesty. Without thinking, I nod to him eager of the idea of having proper clothing. He smiles and places his hand on the small of my back, leading me the way back to his place. 

After about 30 minutes into the walk, my feet become extremely sore but I don't want to bother him as he is already giving me a place to stay. "Speak up instead of killing your bottom lip Autumn" Matthew says with dominace in his tone. I quickly stop chewing on my lip and mumble softly "My feet really hurt is all.." The next thing I know is that I'm now being held by Matthew. "Then you should of spoken up. I don't like seeing women hurt." I shrink into his arms, hiding my face. "Do you not like me now..." I ask weakly, suddenly feeling extremely tired. "Don't ask such a ridiculous question girl." He says and continues walking. "We will be there soon, relax." I nod soft at his words, letting my eyes flutter shut as I listen to the beat of his heart. I whimper in my sleep, sinking into the normal nightmares of my family being killed. I start to calm down as I feel a warm hand on my back, gently rubbing my spine in soothing circles. Just as I drift off into a deeper sleep, I feel the softness of a blanket and a bed.

I groan softly, curling up closer to the warmth the blanket gives me. I give a slight grumble as the light shines into my eyes as it had managed to get past the curtians. Slowly my eyes open, the smell of real food attacking my nose. I allow my body to sit up in the bed, my hands gently running over the soft fabric that creates the blanket. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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