chapter two

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Ambers POV
On are way to school matt kept trying to hold my had so I locked both my arms with Vicky and Sofie
"Guys were here" Shawn announced
The pda when off "All freshmen report to the auditorium please"
As we walked a shit load of girls were checking the guys out
I just gave them the back off look and they tured away except for one she wore high rise booty shorts and a crop top that said queen she could pass as the schools top skank
"What are you looking at gothasauras" she yelled
Nash defended me "back off"
"I'm punk rock whore"I yell at her
She just gave me a dirty look making enemies already good one amber I thought to my self
Taylor whispered something to Nash I couldn't make it out but Nash just slapped them
"Thanks Nashty"
"No problem princess"
We arrived at the auditorium and Vicky nuged me
"What" I tried to whisper
"That dude over there's checking you out'
"Where is he hot"
"Hell yeah he is"
She pointed across the room it was a boy in light blue ripped jeans and a mussel shirt
"Damn he is"
°•skip principal talking and giving schedules°•
We all signed up for the same classes just different electives
"Dudes we have all the same classes yea" Taylor shouts and high fives JJ
"Everyone to class"
"Well shall we" I announce and we all walk down the hall way
First class English I didn't get in the same class as everyone I sighed up for advance there in the regular English class except Vicky she sighed for advance 2
"Hey hot boys over there go talk to him"
"CLASS take a seat"
•skip lecture•
"Everyone partner up for your first project"
I look at Vicky but she points to 'hot boy' I pout and she shakes her head
"He's coming over amber bye!!!"
"Hey I noticed you don't have a partner yet how bout me"
"Confident I like that in a guy" I flirt
"I try sooo how bout it"
"Sure why not I'm amber by the way"
"I'm nate Maloley but you can call me skate"
I've been calling you hot boy I say under my breath
"What was that" he smirked
He heard me shit play it cool damn his smiles hot too
"Nothing so let's choose a book"
" stuff" fuck he did hear me
I blush and I smile and punch him in the arm
"What youuuuu said it first"
"No I did not... Hummm how bout Walt Disney we could do the report on him"
"Yea u can choose but don't change the subject u called me HOT boy you said it your self"
"Shut up you heard nothing of the sort" I say in a perfect British accent"
"Oh yes I did"
"CLASS Is almost over pack your things"
I hand skate a book
"Take notes on this Kay we are doing the life of Disney"
"See you at break hot stuff"
I roll my eyes and walk to Vicky
"Did he just call you" she stops and laughs "hot stuff"
"Yup sir he did"
I avoid her question when I see the boys come to class
"Finally the groups all together" declares Nash
"Hey baby sis" Aaron sits "hey bro" Aaron always looked out for me when we were kids we have  would relationship
•°skip math I HATE It°•
Time for break yay
We walk down to the lunch area to find a spot when the chick who called me a gothasauas came towards us
Shit is all I think

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