The pain - ch 2

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No POV warning in the alyas pov there is talk about cutting
-the next day-
"I'm afraid marinette will not be here today and for the next few days as well." Miss Bustier announces
Adrien turns to Alya look at then empty seat beside her
"Hey Alya, did marinette get sick?" Adrain askes
"No she's not sick."
"Then why has she been gone so long, did someone die?" He questions
"Ya I guess kinda."
"Oh that must suck.... Who died?"
Adrien askes
"Really Adrien?" Nino glares
"What?" Adrien says
"Adrien, the one marinette lost was you. You were her loved one that she can't see anymore and I guess that means it kinda feels like you died to her at least in her mind and that means a lot to her cause you meant a lot to her more than you know." Alya sighs
Adrien heart drops cause he's betrayed marinette for not sticking up for her sooner and for not realizing sooner how much he meant to her.
" after school I'm going to stop by her house. I would tell her you said hi but that would probably make it worse, also you should probably stay away from her for a bit just in case." Alya says
-time skip after school now-
-alyas pov-
knock-knock-knock- "Marinette sweetie, alias here. Go on in she hasn't come out since she got home early yesterday" Mrs cheng says
Sobs, long quite sobs that's all that can be heard from coming inside her room.
"Marinette, are you ok?" I ask I know it's a stupid question to ask but I ask anyways
The sobs in the room quite for a second and then all at once get louder it hurts me to see her in this much pain. god I want to punch Chloé so badly that bitch.
"Shh shhh it's ok come here Alya's got you" I coo as I see marinette on her bed in a ball crying.
I scoop her up In my arm for a big hug.
"Marinette it's ok to cry" I say as I hug her and she cry's harder after around 10 minutes of me holding her she passes out in exhaustion. As I lay her down I see it. Cuts, there are cuts on her wrist then I notice the razor on her table. Oh Chloé your going to get it. I go around the room and I grab all the razors I can find.
"These are coming with me, I love you Mari get some sleep." I say as I quietly leave the room.
Tomorrow Chloé Bourgeois your going to get it.
Ik my chapters arnt vary long and they are weird in the way they talk but yay next chapter it's going to be an Adrien/chat POV chapter so that's exiting

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