A War Of Our Own

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A War of Our Own


Devin woke up with the sun staring at him. There was a red glow that devoured the sky. Heat waves blurred the distant landscape of rummage. The air was thick; full of particles. He did not know where he was or what had happened to the town he was in. It was some disaster, but that was about as far as his memory would take him. In the ruins, there was no sign of life, only death. Devin had questions coming in and out of his mind. What happened here? Where are the people? And most importantly, where was his family?

He started walking, looking around, so confused; he didn't know what to do or where to go. He saw a house which seemed somewhat stable; well, he guessed it was worth a look if it would give him an idea of what was going on. He trudged over the debris, almost like heavy snow, his legs barely held up every small step. He finally reached the doorway of the small house and walked right in, for the door hung open on its side, almost like a theatre curtain. The first breath he took inside of that house attracted the dust that began to grab hold of him and choke him, but a cough kept the dust at bay. He heard a weak voice but couldn't make out the words. He thought he might be intruding but by the looks of the place, he knew it wouldn't be too big of an issue.

As he went deeper into what was left of the house, he saw a girl, she seemed to be around the age fifteen or so; a few years younger than himself. She was in torn clothes, her hair was a mop, but Devin didn't look much better. He was scrawny, his clothes had deep stains, and his hair resembled an overgrown lawn. Looks didn't really matter at the time; Devin just wanted to know what the hell was going on. "What happened here?" he asked solemnly. "I don't know why, but I do know there was a war and for some reason a nuclear bomb was dropped. It destroyed everything." she said while giving the ground a blank look, as if she was empty on the inside. He asked her many more questions but the only response was a gut-wrenching moan followed by a river of tears. She was just a hollow shell with no spirit anymore. He couldn't blame her after what she has probably been through.

If he was going to find his family, he had to move on, so he did. Sorrow grew inside him, he didn't want to leave the girl behind, but he had to. Walking on what was once a side walk was now climbing up a treacherous concrete hill. He quickly grew tired, sweat began to create an outer layer on his body, his legs grew numb and threw him on the ground, and he fainted.

What luck? He woke up once again, even more confused than he was the first time. He was in a poorly lit room, surprised that whoever put him here was able to maintain electricity at all, as well as a house or whatever type of building he was in. He went to the door of the room with no windows which he found odd, he twisted the rusty door knob to find it was locked. It was as if he was being held captive, but he was in no position to be making inferences. He sat down on the so called bed which was just a bunch of broken up springs with a covering of itchy fabric. He gazed at the light; it was struggling to give off the little gleam of pale brightness. He thought it was going to burn out, but it never did. Not a great motive, but he used the light as a little inspiration for himself.

A few hours later, Devin heard heavy footsteps along with a deep mumbling voice. He heard someone jingling one key after another until one key unlocked the door. A tall, chubby man with a balding head appeared. Sweat surrounded the neck of the man's wife beater and occasional red stains covered random areas of his worn out pants. The man yanked Devin out of the small room and dragged him into a kitchen where it smelled of rotten meat. An ice-cream cart was oddly placed in the corner of the room, where it looked as if a murder took place. Devin was thrown on a gory, maggot infested table right next to what looked like another human being. The man brought out a large blade that had obviously been used before. Devin shrieked, "Why are you doing this to me!" The man gave a demonic smile and said, "A man's got to eat!" "I know a place where you can ggget some more food." Devin stuttered, "Real food! Not humans!" The man was on the brink of insanity and resorted to cannibalism to survive, but whatever sane part left of him let Devin prove his bid. Even if Devin had food to give, the man would of probably still have made a snack of him. Devin had nothing, but this would buy him time to break away as soon as he had a chance.

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