Concert Number One

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Just breathe. Ok? Just breathe.

I was about to do my first ever sound practice thing for the concert tonight. My first ever concert with First Chance. I looked calm and cool on the outside but I was for real freaking out.

What if the fans don't like me? What if my voice cracks? What if I forget the words? Or worse. What if I throw up?

I felt a sudden hand on my shoulder which made me jump and scream a little. Oh its just Luke.

"You ok?" He asked sounding concerned.
"Ummm sort of ish I guess...." I said.
"Don't worry the fans will love you and your voice is perfect."

Wait. How did he? Did he read my mind? Omg its the force! Oh gosh no wonder people call me "mental".

"Thanks" I said. I don't know why I was panicking so much. It's just a sound check and not the real thing.


"Ok guys thats 'bout it for the sound check. Pack y'all things so we can stay at the hotel for awhile and then come back. So y'all can calm down for awhile." Yelled Jessie. All I brought with me was a water bottle, that I already finished and threw away , and my phone. The show is in Chicago and so is the house but we decided to get a hotel room so we won't have to drive that far to come back.

*At the hotel*

"ADAM GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE!" I screamed at my older brother while chasing after him as he ran around like an idiot with MY PHONE.

"Let's take a look at your contacts shall we. We have a Maryalice. Serenity. Jasmine. Oooo and who's this Jayden fella." Adam said looking through my phone. How does he know my password?

"He's just a friend." I tell him

"A friend you just happen to text all the time. Even at five in the morning!"

"He's the only guy I keep in touch with from back in San Antonio." I tell him while grabbing my phone.

"He better be or else I put some knuckles on him." Oh how I love my brother.

Now that I had my phone back I'm just gonna to relax and listen to music. Wonder whats on shuffle.
His plams are sweaty knees weak arms are heavy theres vomit on his sweater already mom's spaghetti
Well ok why not.


After awhile ,5 minutes, of music I got bored and decided to text Luke. He was on the other side of the couch.

Hey :p
Luke <3:
Hey :-)
I'm boooooored =/
Sammeeee DX
I want cupcakes!
We have room service
Let's get dem cupcakes!!
Just one question. Why did you text me? I'm fr right in front of you.

"Cause I can!" I yelled while running to the phone so I can get cupcakes.

"Guys its time to go." Jessie yelled. So close so close and yet so far!

*At the stadium place*
"Here Sam. For good luck and your first performance with us." Jessie said while handing me a new pair of black wedge heals. I don't know how big they are but I can walk in any heels. I slip them on but there big on my feet.
"Thanks." I tell her with a big smile. They really were pretty and I decided to wear them for the show.

*On stage*

"Ok everyone!" Lily announced,"We have a little someone here with us today and her name is-"
"Samantha Garcia!" The whole band yelled out.
"She has just joined our band," Chase started," we hope you love her as much as we do!"
"But forget all this new band member stuff! Let's rock!" Yelled Adam.

"Ok guys that all for tonight!" I yelled.
"We love y'all!" We all yelled. And then all the light turned off.

We had to some how walk in the dark. Maybe I was pushed or tripped or something but I had just fell off the stage. Luke came racing over. Behind him was Adam then Chase then Louis then Lily.
"Sam are you ok?!" Luke asked me.
"I think my nose is bleeding." I tell him.
"Come on. Lets go back stage get you cleaned up so we can go to the interview." Lily told me helping me up.

We we're backstage and my nose was bleeding. Great. I was able to get cleaned up real fast and get in the van where the others waited for me.

"We can only be here for so much time so be fast." Jess told the reporters. We were sitting along a big white table. And we had these adorable little water bottles. I got mine and a marker and drew a little happy face with freckles and little arms and legs with a somewhat quiff.

"Ok lets just get it out of the way," said I female reporter probably in her late twenties," is Lam real?"
"Lam?" Lily asked just as confused as the rest of us.
"You know. Luke and Sam. Lam."
"Oh." Me and Luke said at the same time.
"Well no." I said.
"And there's no flirting going on?" Asked a male reporter with a funny looking mustache.
"No." Said Luke.
"Can Lam be real later on down the road?" Asked another reporter wearing a red dress way to tight on her.
"No and I think that's all the Lam question for today." I told the has been teen. O that sounds meaner than I thought.

"So what kind of music should we be hearing next?" Asked the mustache reporter.
"The same kind of stuff you usally. Maybe a little more rock." Said Lily in her usual cheery voice.

"And where would this tour be?" Asked a young male reporter with dark brown hair and blue eyes.
"Austin,Chicago,etc." Adam replied not very well.

"Adam," said the has been teen,"you and Sam are siblings yes?"
"Yes." Said Adam sounding proud. Aww he's proud he's my Bro Bear. My nickname for him since we were kids.

"Did Sam get in the band cause of talent or did she use you to get in?" The female dog said, aka has been teen.

My jaw dropped at her question. As did Lily's, Luke's, and Louis. Adam and Chase we're gritting their teeth and soon so was Luke. That that. FEMALE DOG! NO WONDER THERE'S NO RING ON THAT FINGER!
"Sam got in through talent and talent only!" Adam yelled obviously pissed. He always had a short temper when it came to family. And the Female Dog was just sitting there smiling like she was an Angel.
"So what your saying is that you and your sister don't have a good relationship? I mean just considering that you won't even help her." That's it I'm mad. Oddly enough me and Adam stood up at the same time. I was just about to say something but I heard Jess.
"That's enough of the questions! Guy's we're going." Said Jess a lil pissed to.


While we were walking out you can here hate being thrown of the Female Dog. I had my little water bottle in my hand and so did everyone else.
"Sam?" Jess asked.
"Yeah?" I said in response a wee scared that she was mad at me.
"You know you got in the band cause of talent right? I mean I know you and Adam have a good relationship but even if he wasn't here you'll still be in the band."
"I know." I said blankly,"Thanks for that. Usally I'm forced to follow Adam. But knowing I got here by myself feels great." I tell her.
"Hey you ok?" Adam asked while running up to me.
"Yeah I'm fine. What a female dog tho." I tell him.
"More like a has been teen." Adam said while laughing. As did I.

So what you think? Better than my other chapters or worse. Ok guys so guess who's birthday is this Sunday. That's right Brittany Spheres! Lol jk. How do you spell her name. I forgot. Lol. Thats right on Jan 10 I'll be another year closer to death! Haha anyway hope you like this chapter.
Hugs kisses all that jam

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