Chapter 2

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      I woke up the next morning and decided to test out the shower in my bathroom. It worked really well and I figured out that I also had unlimited hot water which is great because I love taking long showers. I stepped out and grabbed one of the towels that my aunt had prepared before I got there. I quickly brushed my teeth and hair and then went into my closet to find something to wear. I wasn't planning on doing anything today so I just threw on a black t-shirt that says "I'm so fancy" in sparkly gold letters, and some black ripped jean shorts. I blow dried my hair, straightened it, and then put it in a high ponytail and added a gold bow. I walked down stairs and found a note on the table with a twenty dollar bill attached to it:

      Had to go to work :) I left some money for breakfast! See you tonight!                                                      (P.s. You start school tomorrow, so this is your last day of freedom. :P

                                                                                -Aunt Mary <3

        I groan at the thought of school, I've never really liked it. I ran upstairs to my room and slipped on a pair of nike high tops and got on my motorcycle and left. I bought myself this motorcycle a few years ago and shipped it here. My mom said it would be a good idea in case anything ever happened, which it did. It was a black Harley with hints of red. I loved it! I decided to go to the store and get pancake mix because I was actually pretty good at making pancakes and I enjoyed doing it too. I ran in to the store and grabbed a box of pancake mix and some syrup and left.

      When I got back I ran in to the kitchen and grabbed a frying pan and immediately starting cooking. I mixed enough batter to make three pancakes. I turned the burner on and made all of them and then sat down and begun eating.  When I got done I put my plate in the sink and was going back up to my room when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it seeing a cute guy around my age standing there in a leather jacket and some jeans holding a plate of muffins.

"Is Maya here?" He asked staring at me confused.

"Umm no. Who are you?" I asked kind of rudely because I really wanted to go watch YouTube.

"I'm Maya's neighbor, my name's Damon." He says making me think of The Vampire Diaries.

"Well your my neighbor now too then I guess, Maya's my aunt and I live with her now because my mom and dad are too busy with work." I say, telling a lie so he doesn't know anything too personal, that and I wasn't ready to talk about it.

"Cool, well these are for her." he says biting his lip obviously trying to be cute. "And is that your motorcycle out there?"

"Yep. Okay bye!" I say getting ready to shut the door.

"Wait! I didn't get your name." He shouts.

I decide to ignore him and I trudge up to my room and start watching YouTube. Once I get bored of that I walk over to my desk and start organizing my stuff. I look out of the window and see Damon with some of his friends. So our rooms our across from each other. I think to myself. Remember to get better curtains! I guess I'll keep watching The Vampire Diaries because I just got reminded of that show, and so I went on one long binge.

    My eyes are swollen and red and I probably look like a mess. That show always makes me cry! I check the time on my phone and my eyes instantly widen. It's six 'o clock at night! I guess my binge session went for way too long. That's what happens though when you have nothing to do! I go downstairs and get some dinner and then I go back to my room and flop on my bed, before I knew what was happening I was drifting off to sleep. Maybe I was still a little bit jet-lagged?

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