The cake fic

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"Phil what should we do today" Dan said in a lazy voice as he looked over at his best friend Phil.
"Oh trust me I have an idea." Phil says with a menacing grin as he looks back into the brown eyes of Dan.
The next thing Dan knew he was in the kitchen of his apartment, flat on the floor, butt ass naked, hands tied behind his back and feet tied apart so that his asscheeks were spread.
"Good morning baby." Phil said in a familiar voice yet something still was different.
Did he just call me baby??! Confusion came in painful flashes across his pounding head as he cringed at the cold floor against his skin.
"I'm glad you've woken up, now we can get started."
Dan felt so uncomfortable with his positioning he had never felt so vulnerable in his life. Suddenly he heard what sounded like rubber gloves being put on Phil's hands and he braced himself for the worst.
"Phil what are you doing." He finally got the strength to say.
"Don't worry baby it will only hurt a little."
Dan was now close to tears as he felt Phil's cold finger go straight into his hole. He let out a squeak of pain but that didn't stop Phil from slowly going on and out of his clenching hole picking up speed as he could feel Dan adjust to his finger.
"Stop p please." Dan said in a loud cry, though Nothing could stop phil now. Soon his whole fist was pumping in and out of dans now widened hole as dan was screaming at the top of his lungs for someone to help, but no one came. He started to choke on his own cries as he felt another fist go into him. The pain was so unbearable it drowned out all the pleasure that could have been there if Phil had only asked to touch him.
"Looks wide enough." Phil said in an enthusiastic voice.
"Wide enough for what?" Dan asked.
"For this." Phil said as he poured a box of cake mix into dans gaping hole. Dan tried to clench himself shut but Phil had widened it so much he was going to be able to fit so much cake mix in there. Box after box of cake mix and dans hole was finally filled and it smelled glorious.
More cries from Dan entered the air and questions of what Phil was doing and why was he doing it, all to be left unanswered.
"Time for baking." Phil said and Dan was about to ask more questions but Phil shut him up by thrusting his massive cock inside his cake mix filled hole. Loud cries from Dan kept coming and coming as Phil went faster and faster in and out of his massive hole. Moans from Phil escaped his lips as he went faster than Dan ever thought humanly possible. Phil went so fast Dan started to feel not just pain from his lower end, but heat. His ass started to get so hot it felt like he was on fire as Phil was thrusting so fast it was actually baking the cake inside him. All he heard was pounding and pounding and pounding until it slowed to a stop finally. A sigh of pleasant relief came from Phil as he pulled out and admired his masterpiece.
"Have a look baby." He said to Dan as he held up a mirror so that he could see what his friend had created inside his behind. Before Dan was a 4 tiered cake frosted in the semen of his now lover inside the anus of himself.
"How do you like it? It's our wedding cake." Phil said excitedly.
"I-I  love it :') Phil I've always wanted you to fill me with cake mix and pound me so hard it baked at 375 degrees and frost it with your cum :')"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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