Tagged by - @MCR_TRASH

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I was tagged by the wonderful MCR_TRASH_


*Post all rules.
*Tag 13 people.
*Say 13 things about yourself.
*Answer your questions and make new ones for other people.
*Can't say no tags (Unless you really wanna).
*You can tag back.
*You got one week.
*Make a creative title.

Okay. Here goes. Say 13 things about myself.

1) Favourite band?
My Chemical Romance. Best ever.

2) Drugs?
No way. Hate the stuff.

3) Drink?
Very rarely. Never actually been drunk. But did pretend once because my sister was adamant that I was.
Note: If your drunk (or acting it) you get away with a lot. Lol.

4) Crush?
Only on the amazing Gerard Way himself. Kind of obvious.

5) Obsession?
My Chemical Romance. My walls are packed with framed posters and pictures. I only wear one of my 14 MCR t-shirts. Extremely rare to see me without MCR merch on.

6) Biggest fear?
Losing another of my children. One dying is more than enough.

7) Who do I hate?
I don't hate anyone other than my son's killer.

8) Eye colour?

9) Status?
Single. Feeling unloved.

10) Last song listened to?
Safe and Sound by Kyosuke Himuro and Gerard Way. Brilliant song.

11) Random Fact?
I'm actually 7months and five days older than Gerard Way.

12) Worst thing about me?
I'm too soft. I like helping people whenever I can. No matter who they are. But it can lead to me being used.

13) Best thing about me?
I believe in equality. Everyone is equal. No matter what race, gender or sexual orientation.

Right. Now to answer the questions.

1) Frank x Gerard or Gerard x Lindsay?
This is hard. I don't believe Frerard was real and to be honest, I'm jealous of Lindsay. Is there a Gerard x Dee option? No? Damn. I guess Frank x Gerard then.

2) 3 fears of yours?
Losing another child.
My MCR merch getting damaged or lost.

3) Who do you miss?
I guess you already know. My son, Mickey. He would have been 23 on 6th June. He was a pain. But I loved him.

4) Confession (Optional)?
I actually dream about being with Gerard Way. I would never part a happy couple. Lindsay never exists in the dreams. Yeah. I know. I'm crazy. Lol.

5) Most embarrassing moment?
Hmm. Can't remember. Thinking.................................................................................................................................................Got it. I was sat in a cafè with three of my four kids. Suddenly the youngest practically shouts, "Mum. What's a dildo?" She was nine. Now I know laughing just encourages people. But we couldn't help it. We couldn't stop laughing. Even though I was so embarrassed.

6) Have any tattoos or piercings?
I only have normal ear piercings. But I have two tattoos. On the inside of my left wrist is Angel wings with the date '6.6.93' above them and '13.4.13' below them. A memorial tattoo to Mickey. On my right wrist is a heart with the letters 'G' and 'W' in the top and the words 'Very Much Alive' through it. A tribute to Gerard Way to mark his ten year achievement.

7) Coke or Pepsi?
Used to be Pepsi. But I prefer Coke Cola now.

8) Taken or single?
Single. No one loves me. Lol.

9) Bad habits?
Biting my nails.
Giving up too fast.
Not pushing myself.

10) Favourite season?
Summer. I hate being cold. Even though I love the look of snow.

11) Are you okay?
Honestly? No.

12) Last thing bought(I added this one because there wasn't 13 like in the rules.)?
Three DVD's for my Mum who is ill. They were: 'Cloudy with a chance of meatballs.', 'Hunger games.' and 'Tube.' She loves all types of films. Her favourite is the Harry Potter series and The Hobbit series.

13) Last book read?
'The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys.' Book 6. I need the others though. Can't seem to get them.

So there you go. I'm willing to answer any questions you may have. Don't be shy. Lol.

I tag:













Your questions are:

1) Favourite 3 fanfics?

2) All time favourite music video?

3) Favourite item of clothing?

4) Reveal one secret (Optional)?

5) Best thing about you?

6) Worst thing about you?

7) Dr Pepper and Cherry Coke. Taste the same or different?

8) Thing or person you could never live without?

9) Music or video games?

10) Should My Chemical Romance get back together?

11) Your hair style, colour and length right now?

12) Twitter or Facebook?

13) Self harm awareness session on periscope. Good or bad idea?

Have fun. I don't mind getting tagged again. It's up to you. xxx

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