Chapter Four: The Library

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As she walked down the long and unfamiliar corridors of Hogwarts, Gwen suppressed the urge to hex a young couple who were displaying a rather suggestive and zesty array of affection towards one another. They looked to be Hufflepuffs, dressed in grey and yellow articles from head to foot.

The girl wore her hair in what Gwen recognized to be a popular muggle haircut, styled to be short and wavy, and not particularly flattering. The boy's face was hidden from view as he planted speedy kisses up and down the girl's neck. Gwen attributed their excessive affection to be sparked from the toll of a long summer holiday apart. She eyed the girl's haircut once more before dismissing the couple's moral corruption.

Gwen was exploring her new home. More specifically, she was headed to the library, a place of peace and quiet. She had not been assigned much homework by her professors, but Gwen figured that it would be wise not to procrastinate on any projects. After all, she still had another lesson, Midnight Astronomy, later that night.

Durmstrang had never offered Astronomy as a course, but Gwen had taken up the study as a hobby several years ago during a summer she stayed at the family manor. The large house was in the Norwegian countryside, far away from any neighbors, so the sky was dark and the stars were bright. It was the perfect training ground for any young astronomer.

Gwen buried her thoughts of the past as she neared the library. She was looking for one book in particular, one she had stumbled across while at Durmstrang but never quite had the chance to start.

As she walked into the nearly empty room, Gwen got the inkling of a feeling that the book would be somewhat difficult to find in the maze of bookshelves. Columns upon columns; tens of thousands of books; thousands of shelves; hundreds of narrow rows. It would nearly be impossible to find an O.W.L. level Potions textbook in there, let alone the book she desired!

And she was doubtful that the book would be linked with Hogwarts' tastes.

Gwen browsed through several sections, pulling various books off of the shelves when she found something that caught her eye. She had found a couple of ancient tomes she thought would be useful for Transfiguration and Charms. But she had still not found what she came for.

After weaving through the labyrinth for what seemed like ages, she finally found promise. The Restricted Section of the library was lined with dark polished wood and smelled of old musty parchment.

Gwen snuck a swift glance at the librarian. The elderly woman wasn't paying attention.

Even though it was a permitted to let a sixth year student into the Restricted Section of the library without a note from a teacher, Gwen thought it would be best to maintain a low profile while walking about the area.

Trying to conjure up a casual air, Gwen browsed the shelves as if disinterested. However, her eyes eagerly scoured over titles and author's names. Her gaze raked over letters: Ab-, Aw-, Bi-, and finally, Bu-.

But the book she was looking for was not there. An empty space was staring back at her mockingly. Gwen clenched her fists, but kept her calm. She just needed to be patient, the book would be returned.

But she began to become suspicious. Who else would want to read the book she so desperately needed? Hogwarts was not accepting of the Dark Arts.

Two voices ripped her from her inward workings.

"You enjoy that book now, Tom!"

A deep, charming voice replied, "I will make sure of it."

Gwen narrowed her eyes. A tall, lean and undoubtedly unmistakable figure walked elegantly passed the Restricted Section. Without hesitation, she trailed after him. The boy was holding a small book in the crook of his lightly muscled arm that was sleeved in a dark black leather embroidered with purple thread.

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