I'm staying where!?

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Sebastian is the one I've been following and watching ever since the stove explosion. He didn't seem to mind at all. He is currently working on two steaks. Needless to say my mouth was watering. Steak is one of my favorite meals right behind pasta. As I stare at the steak from the ground my tail starts to swish around. Sebastian notices and chuckles

"Would you like a piece?"

My ears peak and my tail picks up speed.

"Meow!" 'Yeah!'

He chuckles softly as he takes a little piece off and places it on the counter. I dash over to a stool and pull on to it. I wiggle my butt before I jump onto the counter from the stool. Where I finally reach my steak. I quickly ate it all to gladly. Sadly it was a little piece and I found myself wanting more. But before I could do anything Sebastian put it under a big silver lid and took it out of the kitchen.

Hey! I'm not done with you and those steaks!!

I hopped off the counter and was on Sebastian's heels.

"Meow. Meow. MEOW!" 'Hey. Hey. HEY!'

I heard a sigh

"Elizabeth, that cat is annoying."

I was so focused on Sebastian and the steak under the silver lid, I didn't notice Ciel and Elizabeth were in the dinning room sitting at a big table. I narrowed my eyes and hissed at Ciel.

"Hisss." 'Shut up.'

Elizabeth giggled

"You guys get along so well."

Ciel and me both look to her and snap

"In what way!?"

"Meow!?" 'What!?'

We both look to each other with wide eyes. Elizabeth giggles again

"You see."

I see Ciel's cheeks turn a little red. Once again today I was happy for being a cat and not being able to see me blushing. Ciel clears his throat to fight off the blush as Sebastian sets one steak in front of both Ciel and Elizabeth. I sigh before I hop onto a chair that was across Elizabeth and diagonal from Ciel. I sit up and place my front paws on the table while I'm still sitting on the chair. Hey, I may be a cat but I still have my manners while it comes to sitting on a dinning table. As the both start to eat, I stare at the closest steak which happened to be Ciel. And I got a evil plan that put an evil kitty smirk on my face.

Time to see if the brat has a soft side from a cute little kitten.

Ciel notices my stare and my smirk. He raises an eyebrow as I start to put my plan into action. I put my chin on the table and enlarge my eyes. My ears fold back while I drop my tail. You know what I think I'm going to call this 'my kitty cute face'. Ciel's eyes widen and a small blush forms on his face.

"Wh-What do you want?"

"Meew." 'Your steak.'

I look from him to his steak to give him the hint. I hear Elizabeth giggle for the third time today

"I think a piece of your steak, Ciel."

He looked to her then back to me. I push out my bottom lip a tiny bit. Ciel's eye twitches. He sighs as he cuts a piece off.


I hop off the chair and bounce over there. Yes, bounce kind of like a kitty skip. Ciel puts the piece into the palm of his hand then lowers it to me. I quickly stuff it into my mouth.

I guess I should thank him.

I rub against his leg while purring slightly. I see a small smile slip onto his lips before vanishing like it was never there.

Oh, so even a brat like him can have a smile on his face.

He keeps that smile off his face as he reaches down to scratch behind my ear. I lean into his hand as I let another small purr slip. Sebastian chuckles. Ciel jumps slightly then quickly takes his hand away. I look over to Sebastian and narrow my eyes at him.

Bastard. You don't have to always get in the way of my fun. Asshole.

I walk over to Elizabeth and jump up into her lap. I yawn and curl up. As I close my eyes I can't help but think

Damn, love being a cat. I think I was suppose to be a cat or was one in another life.

Elizabeth and Ciel finish eating as Sebastian takes their food away. They both sit there while Elizabeth pets my head and Ciel sips on some tea and reads a newspaper. I peek one eye to check and see that the year was 1890 something or other.

So I'm a cat and from the future. Well then.

I close my one open eye and give a sigh. Out of no where Elizabeth says

"Say, Ciel, can you keep this little kitten for me?"

My eyes snap open to see Ciel choke on his tea. He coughs before asking


Well, more demanding really. Elizabeth had a sad smile on her face.

"I really love this kitten already, but I'm not allowed to keep a pet. I couldn't stand it if I had to put this little one on the streets. So I was wondering if you could..."

Shit even my heart strings a being pulled. DAMN IT! I'm going soft! I think that is my new catch phrase or something.

Ciel stared at me while I return the favor. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on in that little mind of his. He sighed


What!? Really!? I think I recall him saying he was allergic to cats too! Or could it be that he was yanking my and Elizabeth's chains because he doesn't like cats.

Elizabeth jumps out of her chair and causes me to hop to the floor. She runs up to Ciel and hugs him.

"Your the best Fiancé a girl could ask for!"

If I was drinking something I would be spewing it out right now.

Fiancé!? At their age!? What the hell are their parents thinking!?

My mind went off to a cliché cheesy scene of Ciel tell both the parents that they love each other and want to be together forever.


That would be me. Ciel must of heard it because he looked to me as I was shacking trying to holding my laughter.

-Ciel POV- 

The kitten that I just agreed to let stay here was shaking. I raised my eyebrow at it. It looks to me and gives a smirk?

Since when can a cat smirk?

It yawns as it walks out of the room.

Well, it's already walking around like it owns the place.

Sebastian walks in to see Lizzy hugging me. A sly smirk appears onto his face. I glare at him.

I wonder how he will react. Seeing how he loves cats so much.

"Sebastian, prepare a carriage to take Elizabeth home. Also we're going out tomorrow."

He bows and puts his right hand over his heart, if he has one, then says

"Yes, my lord. May I ask were we are going tomorrow?"

I smirk at him.

Phantomhive's kitten!? [Black Butler]Where stories live. Discover now